Wide Area Network Design Concepts And Tools For Optimization Pdf
Applications, deployed over a wide area network (WAN) which may connect across metropolitan, regional or national boundaries, suffer performance degradation owing to unavoidable natural characteristics of WANs such as high latency and high packet loss rate. WAN optimization, also known as WAN acceleration, aims to accelerate a broad range of applications and protocols over a WAN. In this paper, we provide a survey on the state of the art of WAN optimization or WAN acceleration techniques, and illustrate how these acceleration techniques can improve application performance, mitigate the impact of latency and loss, and minimize bandwidth consumption. We begin by reviewing the obstacles in efficiently delivering applications over a WAN. Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive survey of the most recent content delivery acceleration techniques in WANs from the networking and optimization point of view. Finally, we discuss major WAN optimization techniques which have been incorporated in widely deployed WAN acceleration products - multiple optimization techniques are leveraged by a single WAN accelerator to improve application performance in general.
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On Wide Area Network Optimization
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Y. Zhang, N. Ansari, M. Wu, and H. Yu, "On Wide Area Network Optimization,"
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol. 14, No.4, pp. 1090‐ 1113,Fourth
On Wide Area Network Optimization
Yan Zhang, Nirwan Ansari, Mingquan Wu, and Heather Yu
Abstract—Applications, deployed over a wide area network
(WAN) which may connect across metropolitan, regional or
national boundaries, suffer performance degradation owing to
unavoidable natural characteristics of WANs such as high latency
and high packet loss rate. WAN optimization, also known as WAN
acceleration, aims to accelerate a broad range of applications
and protocols over a WAN. In this paper, we provide a survey
on the state of the art of WAN optimization or WAN acceleration
techniques, and illustrate how these acceleration techniques can
improve application performance, mitigate the impact of latency
and loss, and minimize bandwidth consumption. We begin by
reviewing the obstacles in effi ciently delivering applications over
a WAN. Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive survey of the
most recent content delivery acceleration techniques in WANs
from the networking and optimization point of view. Finally, we
discuss major WAN optimization techniques which have been
incorporated in widely deployed WAN acceleration products -
multiple optimization techniques are leveraged by a single WAN
accelerator to improve application performance in general.
Index Terms—Wide area network (WAN), WAN acceleration,
WAN optimization, compression, data deduplication, caching,
prefetching, protocol optimization.
TODAY'S IT organizations tend to deploy their infrastruc-
tures geographically over a wide area network (WAN)
to increase productivity, support global collaboration and
minimize costs, thus constituting to today's WAN-centered
environments. As compared to a local area network (LAN),
a WAN is a telecommunication network that covers a broad
area; WAN may connect across metropolitan, regional, and/or
national boundaries. Traditional LAN-oriented infrastructures
are insuffi cient to support global collaboration with high
application performance and low costs. Deploying applications
over WANs inevitably incurs performance degradation owing
to the intrinsic nature of WANs such as high latency and
high packet loss rate. As reported in [1], the WAN throughput
degrades greatly with the increase of transmission distance and
packet loss rate. Given a commonly used maximum window
size of 64 KB in the original TCP protocol and 45 Mbps
bandwidth, the effective TCP throughput of one fl ow over a
source-to-destination distance of 1000 miles is only around
30% of the total bandwidth. With the source-to-destination
distance of 100 miles, the effective TCP throughput degrades
from 97% to 32% and 18% of the whole 45 Mbps bandwidth
Manuscript received 05 May 2011; revised 16 August and 03 September
Y. Zhang and N. Ansari are with the Advanced Networking Lab., Depart-
ment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Tech-
nology, Newark, NJ, 07102 USA (e-mail: { yz45, nirwan.ansari} @njit.edu).
M. Wu and H. Yu are with Huawei Technologies, USA (e-mail:
{Mingquan.Wu, heatheryu}@huawei.com).
Digital Object Identifi er 10.1109/SURV.2011.092311.00071
when the packet loss rate increases from 0.1% to 3% and 5%,
Many factors, not normally encountered in LANs, can
quickly lead to performance degradation of applications which
are run across a WAN. All of these barriers can be categorized
into four classes [2]: network and transport barriers, appli-
cation and protocol barriers, operating system barriers, and
hardware barriers. As compared to LANs, the available band-
width in WANs is rather limited, which directly affects the
application throughput over a WAN. Another obvious barrier
in WANs is the high latency introduced by long transmission
distance, protocol translation, and network congestions. The
high latency in a WAN is a major factor causing the long
application response time. Congestion causes packet loss and
retransmissions, and leads to erratic behavior of the transport
layer protocol, such as transmission control protocol (TCP).
Most of the existing protocols are not designed for WAN
environments; therefore, several protocols do not perform well
under the WAN condition. Furthermore, hosts also impact
on the application performance, including operating systems,
which host applications; and hardware platforms, which host
operating systems.
The need for speedup over WANs spurs on application
performance improvement over WANs. The 8-second rule
[3] related to a web server's response time specifi es that
users may not likely wait for a web page if the load-time
of the web page exceeds eight seconds. According to an E-
commerce web site performance study by Akamai in 2006
[4], this 8-second rule for e-commerce web sites is halved
to four seconds, and in its follow-up report in 2009 [5], a
new 2-second rule was indicated. These reports showed that
poor site performance was ranked second among factors for
dissatisfaction and site abandonment. Therefore, there is a dire
need to enhance application performance over WANs.
WAN optimization, also commonly referred to as WAN
acceleration, describes the idea of enhancing application per-
formance over WANs. WAN acceleration aims to provide
high-performance access to remote data such as fi les and
videos. A variety of WAN acceleration techniques have been
proposed. Some focus on maximizing bandwidth utilization,
others address latency, and still others address protocol in-
effi ciency which hinders the effective delivery of packets
across the WAN. The most common techniques, employed
by WAN optimization to maximize application performance
across the WAN, include compression [6–10], data dedupli-
cation [11–24], caching [25–39], prefetching [40–62], and
protocol optimization [63–81]. Compression is very important
to reduce the amount of bandwidth consumed on a link
during transfer across the WAN, and it can also reduce the
transit time for given data to traverse over the WAN by
1553-877X/11/$25.00 c
2011 IEEE
reducing the amount of transmitted data. Data deduplication
is another data reduction technique and a derivative of data
compression. It identifi es duplicate data elements, such as an
entire fi le and data block, and eliminates both intra-fi le and
inter-fi le data redundancy, and hence reduces the data to be
transferred or stored. Caching is considered to be an effective
approach to reduce network traffi c and application response
time by storing copies of frequently requested content in a
local cache, a proxy server cache close to the end user, or
even within the Internet. Prefetching (or proactive caching)
is aimed at overcoming the limitations of passive caching by
proactively and speculatively retrieving a resource into a cache
in the anticipation of subsequent demand requests. Several
protocols such as common Internet fi le system (CIFS) [82],
(also known as Server Message Block (SMB) [83]), and Mes-
saging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) [84] are
chatty in nature, requiring hundreds of control messages for a
relatively simple data transfer, because they are not designed
for WAN environments. Protocol optimization capitalizes on
in-depth protocol knowledge to improve ineffi cient protocols
by making them more tolerant to high latency in the WAN
environment. Some other acceleration techniques, such as load
balancing, routing optimization, and application proxies, can
also improve application performance.
With the dramatic increase of applications developed over
WANs, many companies, such as Cisco, Blue Coat, Riverbed
Technology, and Silver Peak Systems, have been marketing
WAN acceleration products for various applications. In gen-
eral, typical WAN acceleration products leverage multiple
optimization techniques to improve application throughput,
mitigate the impact of latency and loss, and minimize band-
width consumption. For example, Cisco Wide Area Appli-
cation Services (WAAS) appliance employs data compres-
sion, deduplication, TCP optimization, secure sockets layer
(SSL) optimization, CIFS acceleration, HyperText Transfer
Protocol (HTTP) acceleration, MAPI acceleration, and NFS
acceleration techniques to improve application performance.
The WAN optimization appliance market was estimated to be
$1 billion in 2008 [85]. Gartner, a technology research fi rm,
estimated the compound annual growth rate of the application
acceleration market will be 13.1% between 2010 and 2015
[86], and forecasted that the application acceleration market
will grow to $5.5 billion in 2015 [86].
Although WAN acceleration techniques have been deployed
for several years and there are many WAN acceleration prod-
ucts in the market, many new challenges to content delivery
over WANs are emerging as the scale of information data
and network sizes is growing rapidly, and many companies
have been working on WAN acceleration techniques, such as
Google's web acceleration SPDY project [87]. Several WAN
acceleration techniques have been implemented in SPDY, such
as HTTP header compression, request prioritization, stream
multiplexing, and HTTP server push and serve hint. A SPDY-
capable web server can respond to both HTTP and SPDY
requests effi ciently, and at the client side, a modifi ed Google
Chrome client can use HTTP or SPDY for web access.
The SPDY protocol specifi cation, source code, SPDY proxy
examples and their lab tests are detailed in the SPDY web
page [87]. As reported in the SPDY tests, up to 64% of page
download time reduction can be observed.
WAN acceleration or WAN optim ization has been studied
for several years, but there does not exist, to the best of
our knowledge, a comprehensive survey/tutorial like this one.
There is coverage on bits and pieces on certain aspects of
WAN optimization such as data compression, which has been
widely studied and reported in several books or survey papers,
but few works [2, 39] have discussed WAN optimization or
WAN acceleration as a whole. Reference [2] emphasizes on
application-specifi c acceleration and content delivery networks
while Reference [39] focuses on dynamic web content gen-
eration and delivery acceleration techniques. In this paper,
we will survey state-of-the-art WAN optimization techniques
and illustrate how these acceleration techniques can improve
application performance over a WAN, mitigate the impact of
latency and loss, and minimize bandwidth consumption. The
remainder of the paper is organized as follows. We present
the obstacles to content delivery over a WAN in Section II. In
order to overcome these challenges in the WAN, many WAN
acceleration techniques have been proposed and developed,
such as compression, data deduplication, caching, prefetching,
and protocol optimization. We detail most commonly used
WAN optimization techniques in Section III. Since tremendous
efforts have been made in protocol optimization to improve
application performance over WAN, we dedicate one section
to discuss the protocol optimization techniques over WAN in
Section IV, including HTTP optimization, TCP optimization,
CIFS optimization, MAPI optimization, session layer opti-
mization, and SSL acceleration. Furthermore, we present some
typical WAN acceleration products along with the major WAN
optimization techniques incorporated in these acceleration
products in Section V; multiple optimization techniques are
normally employed by a single WAN accelerator to improve
application performance. Finally, Section VI concludes the
The performance degradation occurs when applications are
deployed over a WAN owing to its unavoidable intrinsic
characteristics. The obstacles to content delivery over a WAN
can be categorized into four classes [2]: network and transport
barriers, application and protocol barriers, operating system
barriers, and hardware barriers.
A. Network and Transport Barriers
Network characteristics, such as available bandwidth, la-
tency, packet loss rate and congestion, impact the application
performance. Figure 1 summarizes the network and transport
barriers to the application performance in a WAN.
1) Limited Bandwidth: The available bandwidth is gener-
ally much higher in a LAN environment than that in a WAN
environment, thus creating a bandwidth disparity between
these two dramatically different networks. The limited band-
width impacts the capability of an application to provide high
throughput. Furthermore, oversubscription or aggregation is
generally higher in a WAN than that in a LAN. Therefore, even
though the clients and servers may connect to the edge routers
with high-speed links, the overall application performance
Inefficiencies of
Transport Protocol
Fig. 1. Network and transport barriers to application performance over a
over a WAN is throttled by network oversubscription and
bandwidth disparity because only a small number of requests
can be received by the server, and the server can only transmit
a small amount of data at a time in responding to the
clients' requests. Protocol overhead, such as packet header and
acknowledgement packets, consumes a noticeable amount of
network capacity, hence further compromising the application
2) High Latency: The latency introduced by transmission
distance, protocol translation, and congestion is high in the
WAN environment, and high latency is the major cause for
long application response time over a WAN.
3) Congestion and High Packet Loss Rate: Congestion
causes packet loss and retransmission, and leads to erratic
behaviors of transport layer protocols that may seriously
deteriorate the application performance.
B. Application and Protocol Barriers
The application performance is constantly impacted by
the limitations and barriers of the protocols, which are not
designed for WAN environments in general. Many protocols
do not perform well under WAN conditions such as long
transmission path, high network latency, network congestion,
and limited available bandwidth. Several protocols such as
CIFS and MAPI are chatty in nature, requiring hundreds of
control messages for a relatively simple data transfer. Some
other popular protocols, e.g., Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) and TCP, also experience low effi ciency over a WAN.
A detailed discussion on protocol barriers and optimizations
in a WAN will be presented in Section IV.
C. Operating System and Hardware Barriers
The hosts, including their operating systems, which host the
applications; and hardware platforms, which host operating
systems, also impact the application performance. Proper
selection of the application hosts' hardware and operating
system components, including central processing unit, cache
capacity, disk storage, and fi le system, can improve the overall
application performance. A poorly tuned application server
will have a negative effect on the application's performance
and functionality across the WAN. In this survey, we focus on
the networking and protocol impacts on the application perfor-
mance over WAN. A detailed discussion on the performance
barriers caused by operating systems and hardware platforms,
and guidance as to what aspects of the system should be
examined for a better level of application performance can
be found in [2].
WAN acceleration technologies aim, over a WAN, to ac-
celerate a broad range of applications and protocols, mit-
igate the impact of latency and loss, and minimize band-
width consumption. The most common techniques employed
by WAN optimization to maximize application performance
across the WAN include compression, data deduplication,
caching, prefetching, and protocol optimization. We discuss
the following most commonly used WAN optimization tech-
A. Compression
Compression is very important to minimize the amount of
bandwidth consumed on a link during transfer across the WAN
in which bandwidth is quite limited. It can improve bandwidth
utilization effi ciency, thereby reducing bandwidth congestion;
it can also reduce the amount of transit time for given data to
traverse the WAN by reducing the transmitted data. Therefore,
compression substantially optimizes data transmission over
the network. A comparative study between various text fi le
compression techniques is reported in [6]. A survey on XML
compression is presented in [7]. Another survey on lossless
image compression methods is presented in [8]. A survey on
image and video compression is covered in [9].
HTTP [88, 89] is the most popular application-layer pro-
tocol in the Internet. HTTP compression is very important
to enhance the performance of HTTP applications. HTTP
compression techniques can be categorized into two schemes:
HTTP Protocol Aware Compression (HPAC) and HTTP Bi-
Stream Compression (HBSC) schemes. By exploiting the
characteristics of the HTTP protocol, HPAC jointly uses three
different encoding schemes, namely, Stationary Binary Encod-
ing (SBE), Dynamic Binary Encoding (DBE), and Header
Delta Encoding (HDE), to perform compression. SBE can
compress a signifi cant amount of ASCII text present in the
message, including all header segments except request-URI
(Uniform Resource Identifi er) and header fi eld values, into
a few bytes. The compressed information is static, and does
not need to be exchanged between the compressor and de-
compressor. All those segments of the HTTP header that
cannot be compressed by SBE will be compressed by DBE.
HDE is developed based on the observation that HTTP headers
do not change much for an HTTP transaction and a response
message does not change much from a server to a client.
Hence, tremendous information can be compressed by sending
only the changes of a new header from a reference. HBSC is an
algorithm-agnostic framework that supports any compression
Web S ite Typ e Text File Only Overall (Graphics)
High-Tech Company 79% 35%
Newspaper 79% 40%
Web Directory 69% 46%
Sports 74% 27%
Average 75% 37%
algorithms. HBSC maintains two independent contexts for the
HTTP header and HTTP body of a TCP connection in each
direction to avoid the problem of context thrashing. These
two independent contexts are created when the fi rst message
appears for a new TCP connection, and are deleted until this
TCP connection fi nishes; thus, the inter-message redundancy
can be detected and removed since the same context is used
to compress HTTP messages at one TCP connection. HBSC
also pre-populates the compression context for HTTP headers
with text strings in the fi rst message over a TCP connection,
and detects the compressibility of an HTTP body based
on the information in the HTTP header to further improve
the compression performance. HTTP header compression has
been implemented in Google's SPDY project [87] - according
to their results, HTTP header compression resulted in an about
88% reduction in the size of HTTP request headers and an
about 85% reduction in the size of HTTP response headers. A
detailed description of a set of methods developed for HTTP
compression and their test results can be found in [10].
The compression performance for web applications depends
on the mix of traffi c in the WAN such as text fi les, video and
images. According to Reference [90], compression can save
75 percent of the text file content and save 37 percent of the
overall fi le content including graphics. Their performance of
compression is investigated based on four different web site
categories, including high technology companies, newspaper
web sites, web directories, and sports. For each category, 5
web sites are examined. Table I lists the precentage of bytes
savings after compression for different investigated web site
B. Data Deduplication
Data deduplication, also called redundancy elimination [11,
12], is another data reduction technique and a derivative of
data compression. Data compression reduces the fi le size by
eliminating redundant data contained in a document, while
data deduplication identifi es duplicate data elements, such as
an entire fi le [13, 14] and data block [15–23], and eliminates
both intra-fi le and inter-fi le data redundancy, hence reducing
the data to be transferred or stored. When multiple instances
of the same data element are detected, only one single copy of
the data element is transferred or stored. The redundant data
element is replaced with a reference or pointer to the unique
data copy. Based on the algorithm granularity, data dedu-
plication algorithms can be classifi ed into three categories:
whole fi le hashing[13, 14], sub-fi le hashing[15–23], and delta
encoding [24]. Traditional data de-duplication operates at
the application layer, such as object caching, to eliminate
redundant data transfers. With the rapid growth of network
traffi c in the Internet, data redundancy elimination techniques
operating on individual packets have been deployed recently
[15–20] based on different chunking and sampling methods.
The main idea of packet-level redundancy elimination is to
identify and eliminate redundant chunks across packets. A
large scale trace-driven study on the effi ciency of packet-level
redundancy elimination has been reported in [91]. This study
showed that packet-level redundancy elimination techniques
can obtain average bandwidth savings of 15-60% when de-
ployed at access links of the service providers or between
routers. Experimental evaluations on various data redundancy
elimination technologies are presented in [11, 18, 91].
C. Caching
Caching is considered to be an effective approach to reduce
network traffi c and application response time. Based on the
location of caches, they can be deployed at the client side,
proxy side, and server side. Owing to the limited capacity of
a single cache, caches can also work cooperatively to serve
a large number of clients. Cooperative caching can be set up
hierarchically, distributively, or in a hybrid mode. From the
type of the cached objects, caches can be classifi ed as function
caching and content caching. A hierarchical classification of
caching solutions is shown in Figure 2.
1) Location of cache: Client side caches are placed very
close to and even at the clients. All the popular web browsers,
including Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, use
part of the storage space on client computers to keep records
of recently accessed web content for later reference to reduce
the bandwidth used for web traffi c and user perceived latency.
Several solutions [25–27] have been proposed to employ
client cache cooperation to improve client-side caching effi-
ciency. Squirrel [25], a decentralized, peer-to-peer web cache,
was proposed to enable web browsers on client computers to
share their local caches to form an effi cient and scalable web
cache. In Squirrel, each participating node runs an instance of
Squirrel, and thus web browsers will issue their requests to the
Squirrel proxy running on the same machine. If the requested
object is un-cacheable, the request will be forwarded to the
origin server directly. Otherwise, the Squirrel proxy will check
the local cache. If the local cache does not have the requested
object, Squirrel will forward the request to some other node
in the network. Squirrel uses a self-organizing peer-to-peer
routing algorithm, called Pastry, to map the requested object
URL as a key to a node in the network to which the request
will be forwarded. One drawback of this approach is that it
neglects the diverse availabilities and capabilities among client
machines. The whole system performance might be affected
by some low capacity intermediate nodes since it takes several
hops before an object request is served. Figure 3 illustrates an
example of the Squirrel requesting and responding procedure.
Client s issues a request to client j with 2 hops routing through
client i . If the requested object is present in the browser
cache of client j , the requested object will be forwarded back
Type of Cached ObjectCooperationLocation of Cache
Hierarchical Hybrid
Fig. 2. Caching classifi cation hierarchy.
to client s directly through path A. Otherwise, client j will
forward the request to the origin server, and the origin server
will respond the request through path B.
Xiao et al. [26] proposed a peer-to-peer Web document
sharing technique, called browsers-aware proxy server, which
connects to a group of networked clients and maintains a
browser index fi le of objects contained in all client browser
caches. A simple illustration of the organization of a browsers-
aware proxy server is shown in Figure 4. If a cache miss in its
local browser cache occurs, a request will be generated to the
proxy server, and the browsers-aware proxy server will check
its proxy cache fi rst. If it is not present in the proxy cache, the
proxy server will look up the browser index fi le attempting to
find it in other client's browser cache. If such a hit is found in
a client, this client will forward the requested object directly
to the requesting client; otherwise, the proxy server will send
the request to an upper level proxy or the origin server. The
browser-aware proxy server suffers from the scalability issue
since all the clients are connected to the centralized proxy
Xu et al. [27] proposed a cooperative hierarchical client-
cache technique. A large virtual cache is generated from
contribution of local caches of each client. Based on the client
capability, the clients are divided into the super-clients and the
ordinary clients, and the system workload will be distributed
among these relatively high capacity super-clients. Unlike the
browsers-aware proxy server scheme, the super-clients are
only responsible for maintaining the location information of
the cached fi les; this provides high scalability because caching
and data lookup operations are distributed across all clients
and super-clients. Hence, such a hierarchical web caching
structure reduces the workloads on the dedicated server in
browsers-aware proxy server scheme [26] and also relieves
the weak client problem in Squirrel [25].
Contrary to the client-side caching, server-end caches are
placed very close to the origin servers. Server-end caching
can reduce server load and improve response time especially
when the client stress is high. For edge/proxy side caching
[28], caches are placed between the client and the server.
According to the results reported in [29], local proxy caching
could reduce user perceived latency by at best 26%.
2) Cooperative Caching: Owing to the limited capacity of
single caches, multiple caches can share and coordinate the
cache states to build a cache network serving a large number of
users. Cooperative caching architectures can be classifi ed into
three major categories [30]: hierarchical cooperative caching
[31], distributive cooperative caching [32–37], and hybrid
cooperative caching [38].
In the hierarchical caching architecture, caches can be
placed at different network levels, including client, institu-
tional, regional and national level from bottom to top in the
hierarchy. Therefore, it is consistent with present Internet
architecture. If a request cannot be satisfi ed by lower level
caches, it will be redirected to upper level caches. If it cannot
be served by any cache level, the national cache will contact
the origin server directly. When the content is found, it travels
down the hierarchy, leaving a copy at each of the intermediate
caches. One obvious drawback of the hierarchical caching
system is that multiple copies of the same document are stored
at different cache levels. Each cache level introduces additional
delays, thus yielding poor response times. Higher level caches
may also experience congestion and have long queuing delays
to serve a large number of requests.
In distributed caching systems, there are only institutional
caches at the edge of the network. The distributed caching
system requires some mechanisms to cooperate these insti-
tutional caches to serve each other's cache misses. Several
mechanisms have been proposed so far, including the query-
based approach, content list based approach, and hash function
based approach. Each of them has its own drawbacks. A
query-based approach such as In ter Cache Protocol (ICP) [32]
can be used to retrieve the document which is not present
at the local cache from other institutional caches. However,
this method may increase the bandwidth consumption and
the user perceived latency because a cache have to poll all
cooperating caches and wait for all of them to answer. A
content list of each institutional cache, such as cache digest
[33] and summary cache [36], can help to avoid the need
for queries/polls. In order to distribute content lists more effi-
ciently and scalably, a hierarchical infrastructure of immediate
nodes is set up in general, but this infrastructure does not store
any document copies. A hash function [35] can be used to map
a client request into a certain cache, and so there is only one
single copy of a document among all cooperative caches; this
method is thus limited to the local environment with well-
interconnected caches.
Rodriguez et al. [30] proposed analytical models to study
and compare the performance of both hierarchical and dis-
tributed caching. The derived models can be used to calculate
the user perceived latency, the bandwidth utilization, the disk
space requirements, and the load generated by each cache
cooperating scheme. In order to maximize the advantages and
Client s
Client i
Origin Server
Path A Path B
Client j
Fig. 3. A Simple illustration of Squirrel requesting and responding procedure.
The request is handled in one of two possible ways, path A or path B [25].
minimize the weaknesses of both hierarchical and distributed
caching architectures, hybrid caching architecture has been
proposed [30, 38]. In a hybrid caching scheme, the cooperation
among caches may be limited to the same level or at a higher
level caches only. Rabinovich et al. [38] proposed a hybrid
caching scheme, in which the cooperation is limited between
the neighboring caches to avoid obtaining documents from dis-
tant or slower caches. The performance of the hybrid scheme
and the optimal number of caches that should cooperate at
each caching level to minimize user retrieval latency has been
investigated in [30].
3) Type of Cached Objects: Based on the type of the cached
objects, caches can be categorized as content caching and
function caching. In content caching, objects such as docu-
ments, HTML pages, and videos are stored. Content caching
is employed widely to reduce the bandwidth consumed for
traffi c traveling across the network and user perceived latency.
In function caching, the application itself is replicated and
cached along with its associated objects, and so the proxy
servers can run applications instead of the origin server. A
detailed review on content caching and function caching for
dynamic web delivery is reported in [39].
D. Prefetching
Although caching offers benefi ts to improve application
performance across the WAN, passive caching has limitations
on reducing application latency due to low hit rates [29,
40]. Abrams et al. [40] examined the hit rates for various
workloads to investigate the removal policies for caching
within the Web. Kroeger et al. [29] confi rmed a similar
observation that local proxy caching could reduce latency by
at best 26% under several scenarios. They also found that
the benefi t of caching is limited by the frequency update
of objects in the web. Prefetching (or proactive caching) is
aimed at overcoming the limitations of passive caching by
proactively speculative retrieval of a resource into a cache in
the anticipation of subsequent demand requests. The experi-
ments reported in [29] showed that prefetching doubles the
latency reduction achieved by caching, and a combination of
caching and prefetching can provide a better solution to reduce
latency than caching and prefetching alone. So far, several
web prefetching architectures have been proposed according to
the locations of the prediction engine and prefetching engine,
which are two main elements of web prefetching architecture.
In addition, many prediction algorithms have been proposed,
and how far in advance a prefetching algorithm is able to
prefetch an object is a signifi cant factor in its ability to
reduce latency. The effectivenes s of prefetching in addressing
the limitations of passive caching has been demonstrated
by several studies. Most research on prefetching focused on
the prediction algorithm. The prediction algorithms used for
prefetching systems can be classifi ed into two categories:
history-based prediction [43, 44, 50, 52–57] and content-based
prediction [58–62].
1) Web Prefetching Architecture: In general, clients and
web servers form the two main elements in web browsing,
and optionally, there may be proxies between the clients and
servers. A browser runs at the client side and a HTTP daemon
runs at the server side. A web prefetching architecture consists
of a prediction engine and a prefetching engine. The prediction
engine in the web prefetching architecture will predict the
objects that a client might access in the near future, and
the prefetching engine will preprocess those object requests
predicted by the prediction engine. Both the prediction engine
and prefetching engine can be located at the client, at the
proxy, or at the server. Several different web prefetching
architectures have been developed.
(i) Client-initiated prefetching. Both the prediction engine
and prefetching engine can be located at the clients [47]
to reduce the interaction between the prediction engine
and prefetching engine.
(ii) Server-initiated prefetching. Server can predict clients'
future access, and clients perform prefetching [43–46].
(iii) Proxy-initiated prefetching (Proxy Predicting and Proxy
Pushing or Client Prefetching). If there are proxies in
a web prefetching system, the prediction engine can be
located at the proxies and the predicted web objects can
be pushed to the clients by the proxies, or the clients can
prefetch in advance [50].
(iv) Collaborative prefetching. The prediction accuracy of
proxy-based prefetching can be signifi cantly limited
without input of Web servers. A coordinated proxy-
server prefetching can adaptively utilize the reference
information and coordinate prefetching activities at both
proxy and web servers [48]. As reported in [41], a
collaborative client-server prediction can also reduce the
user's perceived latency.
(v) Multiple level prefetching. A web prefetching architec-
ture with two levels caching at both the LAN proxy
server and the edge router connecting to the Internet was
proposed in [49] for wide area networks. The edge router
is responsible for request predictions and prefetching. In
[55], the prefetching occurs at both clients and different
levels of proxies, and servers collaborate to predict users'
requests [55].
The impact of the web architecture on the limits of la-
tency reduction through prefetching has been investigated in
[41]. Based on the assumption of realistic prediction, the
maximum latency reduction that can be achieved through
prefetching is about 36.6%, 54.4% and 67.4% of the latency
perceived by users with the prefetching predictor located
at the server, client, and proxy, respectively. Collaborative
prediction schemes located at diverse elements of the web
architecture were also analyzed in [41]. At the maximum,
more than 95% of the user's perceived latency can be achieved
with a collaborative client-server or proxy-server predictor. A
detailed performance analysis on the client-side caching and
prefetching system is presented in [42].
2) History Based Prediction Algorithms: The history based
prediction algorithms relies on the user's previous actions such
as the sequence of requested web objects to determine the
next most likely ones to be requested. The major component
of a history-based prediction algorithm is the Prediction by
Partial Matching (PPM) model [92], which is derived from
data compression. PPM compressor uses the preceding few
characters to compute the probability of the next ones by
using multiple high-order Markov models. A standard PPM
prediction model has been used by several works for web
prefetching [43, 44, 50]. Following the standard PPM model,
several other PPM based prediction models, such as LRS-PPM
model [51] and popularity-based PPM model [52], have been
Based on the preceding m requests by the client over some
period, the standard PPM model essentially tries to make
predictions for the next l requests with a probability threshold
limit t .Largerm , meaning more preceding requests to con-
struct the Markov predictor tree, can improve the accuracy of
the prediction. With l>1 , URLs within the next few requests
can be predicted. A server initiated prefetching scheme with a
dependency graph based predictor was proposed in [43]. The
dependency graph contains nodes for all fi les ever accessed
at a particular web server. The dependency arc between two
nodes indicates the probability of one fi le, represented as a
node, will be accessed after the other one is accessed. The
dependency graph based prediction algorithm is a simplifi ed
first-order standard PPM model with m=1 , indicating that
the predicted request is only based on the immediate previous
one. First-order Markov models are not very accurate in
predicting the users browsing behavior because these mod-
els do not look far into the past to correctly discriminate
the different observed patterns. Therefore, as an extension,
Palpanas [44] investigated the effects of several parameters
on prediction accuracy in a server-initiated prefetching with
a standard PPM prediction engine. The impacts of previous
mrequests and the number of predictions lon prediction
accuracy have been examined, and the experimental results
reported in [44] showed that more previous requests m result
in more accurate predictions, while more predicted requests
lwith the same previous requests mdegrade prediction
accuracy. A proxy-initiated prefetching with the standard PPM
model was proposed in [50], and from their results, it was
shown that the best performance is achieved with m=2 and
l=4 .
High-order Markov model can improve the prediction ac-
curacy, but unfortunately, these higher-order models have
a number of limitations associated with high state-space
complexity, reduced coverage, and sometimes even worse
prediction accuracy. Sarukkai [53] used Markov models to
predict the next page accessed by the user by analyzing users'
navigation history. Three selective Markov models, support-
pruned Markov model (SPMM), confi dence-pruned Markov
model (CPMM), and error-pruned Markov model (EPMM),
forward requested document;
or fetch/forward by the proxy
Client N
Client 1
Client j
Client i
Client 2
Browser miss
Browser index hit
Fig. 4. Organizations of the browser-aware proxy server [26].
have been proposed in [54] to reduce state complexity of
high order Markov models and improve prediction accuracy
by eliminating some states in Markov models with low pre-
diction accuracy. SPMM is based on the observation that
states supported by fewer instances in the training set tend
to also have low prediction accuracy. SPMM eliminates all
the states, the number of instances of which in the training
set is smaller than the frequency threshold, in different order
Markov models. CPMM eliminates all the states in which
the probability differences between the most frequently taken
action and the other actions are not signifi cant. EPMM uses
error rates, which are determined from a validation step, for
Markatos et.al [55] suggested a Top-10 criterion for web
prefetching. The Top-10 criterion based prefetching is a client-
server collaborative prefetching. The server is responsible for
periodically calculating its top 10 most popular documents,
and serve them to its clients. Chen et al. [52] proposed a
popularity-based PPM prediction model which uses grades
to rank URL access patterns and builds these patterns into
a predictor tree to aid web prefetching.
Most of the above prediction algorithms employ Markov
models to make decisions. Some other prediction algorithms
rely on data mining techniques to predict a new comer's
request. A web mining method was investigated in [51] to
extract signifi cant URL patterns by the longest repeating
subsequences (LRS) technique. Thus, the complexity of the
prediction model can be reduced by keeping the LRS and
storing only long branches with frequently accessed URLs.
Nanopoulos et al. [56] proposed a data mining based predic-
tion algorithm called WM
o(ostands for ordering), which
improves the web prefetching performance by addressing
some specifi c limitations of Markov model based prediction
algorithms, such as the order of dependencies between web
document accesses, and the ordering of requests. Songwattana
Client Server
GET www.google.com
Open TCP
HTTP request
for HTML
Client Parses
<Image A>
<Image B>
Open TCP
HTTP Request
for Image A
GET Image A
Image A
Fig. 5. The standard packet exchange for HTTP 1.0 [88].
[57] proposed a prediction-based web caching model, which
applies web mining and machine learning techniques for
prediction in prefetching and caching. In this prediction-based
model, statistical values of each web object from empirical
data test set are generated by ARS log analyzer based on the
web log files, and a web mining technique is used to identify
the web usage patterns of clients requests.
3) Content Based Prediction Algorithms: A limitation of
history based prediction is that the predicted URLs must be
accessed before and there is no way to predict documents
that are new or never accessed. To overcome this limitation,
several content-based prediction algorithms [58–62] have been
proposed. The content-based prediction algorithms can extract
top ranked links by analyzing the content of current page and
previously viewed pages. Dean and Henzinger [58] proposed
a web searching algorithm by using only the connectivity
information in the web between pages to generate a set of
related web pages. In a web prefetching scheme proposed
in [59], users send usage reports to servers promptly. The
usage report of one particular page includes the information
about the URLs embedded within this page that is referenced
recently, the size of the referenced page, and all its embedded
images. The server will accumulate the information from all
usage reports on this particular page to generate a usage profi le
of this page, and send it to the clients. The clients will make
prefetching decisions based on its own usage patterns, the
state of its cache, and the effective bandwidth of its link
to the Internet. The prefetching by combining the analysis
of these usage profi les can lower the user perceived latency
and reduce the wastage of prefetched pages. Ibrahim and Xu
[60] proposed a keyword-oriented neural network based pre-
fetching approach, called SmartNewsReader, which ranks the
links of a page by a score computed by applying neural
networks to the keywords extracted from the URL anchor
texts of the clicked links to characterize user access patterns.
Predictions in [61] are made on the basis of the content of the
recently requested Web pages. Georgakis and Li [62] proposed
a transparent and speculative algorithm for content based web
page prefetching, which relies on the user profi le on the basis
of a user's Internet browsing habits. The user profi le describes
the frequency of occurrences of selected elements in a web
page clicked by the user. These frequencies are used to predict
the user's future action.
4) Prefetching Performance Evaluation: It is diffi cult to
compare the proposed prefetching techniques since different
baseline systems, workload, and performance key metrics
are used to evaluate their benefi ts. In general, prefetching
performance can be evaluated from three aspects. The fi rst
one is the prediction algorithm, including prediction accuracy
and effi ciency. The additional resource usage that prefetching
incurs is another evaluation criterion. The prefetching perfor-
mance can also been evaluated by users' perceived latency
reduction. A detailed discussion on prefetching performance
metrics can be found in [93].
E. Other Techniques
Load balancing offers resilience and scalability by distribut-
ing data across a computer network to maximize network
effi ciency, and thus to improve overall performance. Route
Optimization is the process of choosing the most effi cient
path by analyzing performance between routes and network
devices, and sending data in that path. This enables users to
achieve faster application response and data delivery. Trans-
parent or nontransparent application proxies are primarily used
to overcome application latency. By understanding application
messaging, application proxies can handle the unnecessary
messages locally or by batching them for parallel operation;
they can also act in advance, such as read ahead and write
behind, to reduce the application latency. As discussed in
Section II, packet loss rate in WANs is high. When high
packet loss rate is coupled with high latency, it is not surprising
that application performance suffers across a WAN. Forward
Error Correction (FEC) corrects bit errors at the physical layer.
This technology is often tailored to operate on packets at
the network layer to mitigate packet loss across WANs that
have high packet loss characteristics. Packet Order Correction
(POC) is a real-time solution for overcoming out-of-order
packet delivery across the WAN.
Protocol optimization is the use of in-depth protocol knowl-
edge to improve ineffi cient protocols by making them more
tolerant to high latency in WAN environments. Several proto-
cols such as CIFS and MAPI are chatty in nature, requiring
hundreds of control messages for a relatively simple data
transfer, because they are not designed for WAN environ-
ments. Some other popular protocols, e.g., HTTP and TCP,
also experience low effi ciency over a WAN. In this section,
we will discuss HTTP optimization, TCP acceleration, CIFS
optimization, MAPI optimization, session layer acceleration,
and SSL/TLS acceleration.
A. HTTP Optimization
Users always try to avoid slow web sites and fl ock towards
fast ones. A recent study found that users expect a page to
load in two seconds or less, and 40% of users will wait
for no more than three seconds before leaving a site [94].
HTTP is the most popular application layer protocol used by
web applications. Currently, there are two versions of HTTP
protocols: HTTP 1.0 [88] and HTTP 1.1 [89]. TCP is the dom-
inant transport layer protocol in use for HTTP applications; it
adds signifi cant and unnecessary overhead and increases user
perceived latency. Many efforts have been made to investigate
HTTP performance, reduce the bandwidth consumption, and
accelerate the web page transmission. Persistent connections,
pipeline and compression introduced in HTTP 1.1 are the
basic HTTP acceleration techniques. HTTP compression tech-
niques have been discussed in Section III-A. Caching and
prefetching, which have been presented in Section III-C and
III-D, respectively, help to reduce user perceived latency. L4-7
load balancing also contributes to HTTP acceleration. HTTP
accelerators are offered to the market by Squid, Blue Coat,
Varnish, Apache, etc.
1) Ineffi ciency of HTTP Protocol Analysis: Figures 5 and
6 illustrate the standard packet exchange procedures when
a client visits a web site with HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1,
respectively. As shown in these two fi gures, an URL request,
which executes the HTTP protocol, begins with a separate
TCP connection setup and follows by a HyperText Markup
Language (HTML) fi le transiting from the server to the client.
Since embedded objects are referenced with the HTML fi le,
these fi les cannot be requested until at least part of the HTML
file has been received by the client. Therefore, after the
client receives the HTML fi le, it parses the HTML fi le and
generates object requests to retrieve them from the server to
the client. In HTTP 1.0, each HTTP request to retrieve an
embedded object from the server has to set up its own TCP
connection between the client and the server, thus placing
additional resource constraint on the server and client than
what would be experienced using a single TCP connection.
Hence, as depicted in Figure 5, at least 4 RTTs are required
before the fi rst embedded object is received at the client. The
low throughput of using this per-transaction TCP connection
for HTTP access has been discussed in [63]. The reduced
throughput increases the latency for document retrieval from
the server. To improve the user perceived latency in HTTP 1.0,
persistent connections and request pipelining are introduced in
HTTP 1.1.
2) Persistent Connection and Request Pipelining: Persis-
tent connection, using a single, long-lived connection for
multiple HTTP transactions, allows the TCP connection stays
open after each HTTP request/reponse transaction, and thus
Client Server
GET www.google.com
Open TCP
HTTP request
for HTML
Client Parses
<Image A>
<Image B>
HTTP Request
for Image A &
Image B
GET Image A
Image A
GET Image B
Image B
Fig. 6. The standard packet exchange for HTTP 1.1 with persistent
connection and request pipelining [89].
the next request/response transaction can be executed imme-
diately without opening a new TCP connection as shown in
Figure 6. Hence, persistent connections can reduce server and
client workload, and fi le retrieval latency. Even with persistent
connections, at least one round-trip time is required to retrieve
each embedded object in the HTML fi le. The client interacts
with the server still in a stop-and-wait fashion, sending a
HTTP request for an embedded object only after having
received the previous requested object. Request pipelining
allows multiple HTTP requests sent out to the same server
to retrieve the embedded objects. The effects of persistent
connections and request pipelining on the HTTP exchange
latency have been investigated in [63]. The results show that
persistent connections and request pipelining indeed provide
signifi cant improvement for HTTP transactions. The user
perceived latency improvement decreases with the increase
of the requested document size since the actual data transfer
time dominates the connection setup and slow-start latencies
to retrieve large documents.
3) HTML Plus Embedded Objects: In HTTP 1.0 and 1.1,
one common procedure is that the client has to wait for the
HTML fi le before it can issue the requests for embedded
objects, thus incurring additional delay to user perceived
latency. In order to avoid this additional delay, Abhari and
Serbinski [64] suggested a modifi cation to the HTTP protocol.
Before responding to the client with the requested HTML
file, the HTTP server parses the requested HTML documents
to determine which objects are embedded in this requested
HTML fi le and appends them onto the response to the client.
Since a normal HTTP client does not have the ability to receive
multiple fi les in a single transmission, a proxy is suggested to
be placed at the client side to translate client request and server
response. The experiments reported in [64] show a signifi cant
page load time reduction of the proposed scheme.
4) Minimizing HTTP Requests: The web page load time
can be decreased by reducing the number of HTTP requests.
The concatenated JavaScript fi les and Cascading style sheets
(CSS) fi les through object inlining can reduce the number
of HTTP requests. Object inlining can reduce the page load
latency signifi cantly, but the browser can only cache URL
addressable objects; the individual HTML, CSS and JavaScript
files cannot be cached. Furthermore, if any of the embedded
objects change, the browsers have to retrieve all of the objects.
Mickens [65] developed a new framework for deploying
fast-loading web applications, called Silo, by leveraging on
JavaScript and document object model (DOM) storage to
reduce both the number of HTTP requests and the bandwidth
required to construct a page. A basic web page fetching
procedure using the Silo protocol is depicted in Figure 7(a).
Instead of responding with the page's HTML to a standard
GET request for a web page, the Silo enabled server replies
with a small piece of JavaScript, called JavaScipt shim, which
enables the client to participate in the Silo protocol, and a
list of chunk ids in the page to be constructed. The JavaScipt
shim will inspect the client DOM storage to determine which
of these chunks are not stored locally, and inform the missing
chunk ids to the server. Then, the server will send the raw
data for the missing chunks. The client assembles the relevant
chunks to overwrite the page's HTML and reconstructs the
original inlined page. Thus, the basic Silo protocol fetches an
arbitrary number of HTML, CSS and JavaScript fi les with two
The basis Silo protocol enabled server does not differentiate
between clients with warm caches and clients with cold
caches. Soli uses cookies to differentiate clients by setting a
"warm cache" variable in the page's cookie whenever clients
store chunks for that page. If this variable is set when the
client initiates HTTP GET request for a web page, the server
knows that the client chunk cache is warm, and otherwise
it is cold. Figure 7(b) shows a single RTT Silo protocol
with warm client cache. The client initiates an HTTP GET
request for a page with a warm cache indicator. If the client
attaches all of the ids of the local chunks within the cookie,
the server can reply with the Silo shim and the missing
chunk data in a single server response; otherwise, the basic
Soli protocol depicted in Figure 7(a) will follow the client-
server exchange process. As compared to the server response
to request with the warm cache, the server replies with an
annotated HTML to a standard GET request for a page with
a cold cache indication. The browser commits the annotated
HTML immediately, while the Silo shim parses the chunk
manifest, extracts the associated chunks, and writes them to
the DOM storage synchronously.
5) HTTP over UDP: Cidon et al. [66] proposed a hybrid
TCP-UDP transport for HTTP traf fic that splits the HTTP
web traffi c between UDP and TCP. A client issues a HTTP
request over UDP. The server replies over UDP if the response
is small; otherwise, the server informs the client to resubmit
Client Server
GET www.foo. com
JavaScript shim + Chunk
ids in page
Non-local chunk ids
pageCids = [`f4fd`, `b21f`, '];
missingCids = nonLocalCids(pageCids);
Missing Chunk ids
(a) The basic Silo protocol.
Client Server
GET www.foo.com +
Cookie: Local Chunk ids
JavaScript shim + Chunk
ids in page + Missing chunk data
pageCids = [`f4fd`, `b21f`, ...];
missingChunks = {`f4f2`: `rawData0`,
`4c2d`: `rawData1`,
(b) Single RTT Silo protocol, warm client cache.
Fig. 7. Silo HTTP protocol [65].
request over TCP. If no response is received within a timeout,
the client resubmits the response over TCP.
Dual-Transport HTTP (DHTTP) [67], a new transfer pro-
tocol for the web, was proposed by splitting the traffic
between UDP and TCP channels based on the size of server
response and network conditions. In DHTTP, there are two
communication channels between a client and a server, a
UDP channel and a TCP channel. The client usually issues
its requests over the UDP channel. The server responds to a
request of 1460 bytes or less over the UDP channel, while
the response to other requests will be transmitted over the
TCP channel. The performance analysis performed in [67]
shows that DHTTP signifi cantly improves the performance of
Web servers, reduces user latency, and increases utilization of
remaining TCP connections. However, DHTTP imposes extra
requirements on firewalls and network address translation
(NAT) devices.
6) HTTP Packet Reassembly: HTTP packet reassembly
is quite normal in current networks. As examined in [68],
the HTTP packets reassembly proportions are about 70%-
80%, 80%-90%, and 60%-70% for web application HTTP
OK messages, HTTP POST messages, and video streaming
packets, respectively. Since HTTP does not provide any re-
assembly mechanism, HTTP packet reassembly has to be
completed in the IP layer and TCP layer. Traditionally, HTTP
packets reassembly consist of network packet capture, IP layer
defragmentation, and TCP layer reassembly before it is passed
to the HTTP protocol. A parallel HTTP packet reassembly
strategy was proposed in [68] as shown in Figure 8. The
two most resource-consuming parts, IP layer defragmentation
Phase I
Packet Input
Phase II
IP Defragmentation
Phase III
TCP Reassembly
Phase IV
Phase V
Core 2
Core 1
Thread 1
Thread 2
Fig. 8. Parallel HTTP packet reassembly architecture [68].
and TCP layer reassembly, are distributed to two separate
threads to facilitate parallelism. Since the workload of IP
defragmentation is lower than that of TCP reassembly in the
current network, the packet input module is distributed to the
same thread with IP defragmentation. IP layer defragmenta-
tion and TCP layer reassembly communicate with a single-
producer single-consumer ring queue. Hence, different tasks
in HTTP packet reassembly can be distributed to different core
with a multi-core server using the affi nity-based scheduling.
According to their experiments, the throughput of packets
reassembly system can be improved by around 45% on the
generic multi-core platform by parallelizing the traditional
serial HTTP packets reassembly system.
B. TCP Acceleration
Currently, TCP is the most popular transport layer protocol
for connection-oriented reliable data transfer in the Internet.
TCP is the de facto standard for Internet-based commercial
communication networks. The growth trends of TCP connec-
tions in WANs were investigated in [95]. However, TCP is
well known to have poor performance under conditions of
moderate to high packet loss and end-to-end latency.
1) Ineffi ciency of TCP over WAN: The ineffi ciency of
the TCP protocol over WAN comes from two mechanisms,
slow start and congestion control. Slow start helps TCP to
probe the available bandwidth. Many application transactions
work with short-live TCP connections. At the beginning of a
connection, TCP is trying to probe the available bandwidth
while the application data is waiting to be transmitted. Thus,
TCP slow start increases the number of round trips, thus
delaying the entire application and resulting in ineffi cient
capacity utilization.
The congestion avoidance mechanism adapts TCP to net-
work dynamics, including packet loss, congestion, and vari-
ance in available bandwidth, but it degrades application perfor-
mance greatly in WAN where the round-trip time is generally
in tens even hundreds of milliseconds. That is, it can take
quite some time for the sender to receive an acknowledgement
indicating to TCP that the connection could increase its
throughput slightly. Coupled with the rate at which TCP
increases throughput, it could take hours to return to the
maximum link capacity over a WAN.
2) TCP Models over WAN: Besson [96] proposed a fl uid-
based model to describe the behavior of a TCP connection
over a WAN, and showed that two successive bottlenecks
seriously impact the performance of TCP, even during conges-
tion avoidance. The author also derived analytical expressions
for the maximum window size, throughput, and round-trip
time of a TCP connection. Mirza et al. [97] proposed a
machine learning approach to predict TCP throughput, which
was implemented in a tool called Pa t h Pe r f . The test results
showed that Pat h Perf can predict TCP throughput accurately
over diverse wide area paths. A systematic experimental study
of IP transport technologies, including TCP and UDP, over
10 Gbps wide-area connections was performed in [98]. The
experiments verifi ed the low TCP throughput in the WAN
due to high network latency, and the experimental results also
showed that the encryption devices have positive effects on
TCP throughput due to their on-board buffers.
3) Slow Start Enhancement: Many studies have observed
that TCP performance suffers from the TCP slow start mech-
anism in high-speed long-delay networks. TCP slow start can
be enhanced from two aspects by setting ssthresh intelligently
and adjusting the congestion window innovatively.
Hoe [99] proposed to enhance TCP slow start performance
by setting a better initial value of ssthresh to be the estimated
value of bandwidth delay product which is measured by the
packet pair method. There are also some other works that focus
on improving the estimate of ssthresh with a more accurate
measurement of bandwidth delay product. Aron and Druschel
[100] proposed to use multiple packet pairs to iteratively
improve the estimate of ssthresh .Paced Start [101] uses
packet trains to estimate the available bandwidth and ssthresh .
These methods avoid TCP from prematurely switching to the
congestion avoidance phase, but it may suffer temporary queue
overfl ow and multiple packet losses when the bottleneck buffer
is not big enough as compared to the bandwidth delay product.
Adaptive Start [102] was proposed to reset ssthresh repeatedly
to a more appropriate value by using eligible rate estimation.
Adaptive start increases the congestion window (cwnd)size
effi ciently without packet overfl ows.
Several TCP slow start enhancements focus on intelligent
adjustment of the congestion window size. At the beginning
of the transmission, the exponential increase of the congestion
window size is necessary to increase the bandwidth utilization
quickly. However, it is too aggressive as the connection nears
its equilibrium, leading to multiple packet losses. Smooth Start
[103] improves the TCP slow start performance as the con-
gestion window size approaches the connection equilibrium
by splitting the slow-start into two phases, fi lling phase and
probing phase. In the fi lling phase, the congestion window
size is adjusted the same manner as traditional slow start,
while it is increased more slowly in the probing phase. How
to distinguish these phases is not addressed in smooth start.
An additional threshold max ssthresh is introduced in Limited
Slow Start [104]. The congestion window size doubles per
RTT, the same as traditional slow start, if the congestion
window size is smaller than max ssthresh;otherwise,the
congestion window size is increased by a fi xed amount of
max ssthresh packets per RTT. Limited slow start reduces the
number of drops in the TCP slow start phase, but max ssthresh
is required to be set statistically prior to starting a TCP
Lu et al. [105] proposed a sender-side enhancement to slow-
start by introducing a two-phase approach, linear increase and
adjustive increase, to probe bandwidth more ef ficiently with
TCP Vegas congestion-detection scheme. A certain threshold
of queue length is used to signaling queue build-up. In the
linear increase phase, TCP is started in the same manner
as traditional slow start until the queue length exceeds the
threshold. The congestion window size increment slows down
to one packet per RTT to drain the temporary queue to avoid
buffer overfl ow and multiple packet losses. Upon sensing the
queue below the threshold, the sender enters the adjustive
increase phase to probe for the available bandwidth more
4) Congestion Control Enhancement: TCP variants have
been developed for wide-area transport to achieve Gbps
throughput levels. TCP Vegas [106] uses network buffer delay
as an implicit congestion signal as opposed to drops. This
approach may prove to be successful, but is challenging to
implement. In wireless and wired-wireless hybrid networks,
TCP-Jersey [107–109] enhances the available bandwidth es-
timations to improve the TCP performance by distinguishing
the wireless packet losses and the congestion packet losses. By
examining several signifi cant TCP performance issues, such
as unfair bandwidth allocation and throughput degradation, in
wireless environments with window control theory, Hiroki et
al. [110] found that the static additive-increase multiplicative-
decrease (AIMD) window control policy employed by TCP is
the basic cause for its performance degradation. In order to
overcome the performance degradation caused by the static
AIMD congestion window control, explicitly synchronized
TCP (ESTCP) [110] was proposed by deploying a dynamic
AIMD window control mechanism, which integrates the feed-
back information from networks nodes. High-speed TCP [111]
modifi es the congestion control mechanism with large conges-
tion windows, and hence, High-speed TCP window will grow
faster than standard TCP and also recover from losses more
quickly. This behavior allows High-speed to quickly utilize
the available bandwidth in networks with large bandwidth
delay products. A simple sender side alteration to the TCP
congestion window update algorithm, Scalable TCP [112],
was proposed to improve throughput in highs-speed WANs.
Numerical evaluation of the congestion control method of
Scalable TCP and its impacts on other existing TCP versions
were reported in [113].
Fast TCP [114] is a TCP congestion avoidance algorithm
especially targeted at long-distance and high latency links.
TCP Westwood [115] implements a window congestion con-
trol algorithm based on a combination of adaptive bandwidth
estimation strategy and an eligible rate estimation strategy
to improve effi ciency and friendliness tradeoffs. Competing
flows with different RTTs may consume vastly unfair band-
width shares in high-speed networks with large delays. Binary
Increase Congestion Control (BIC) TCP [116] was proposed
by taking RTT unfairness, together with TCP friendliness and
bandwidth scalability, into consideration for TCP congestion
control algorithm design. Another TCP friendly high speed
TCP variant, CUBIC [117], is the current default TCP algo-
rithm in Linux. CUBIC modifi es the linear window growth
function of existing TCP standards to be a cubic function
in order to improve the scalability of TCP over fast and
long distance networks. Fast TCP [114], BIC TCP [116], and
CUBIC TCP [117] estimate available bandwidth on the sender
side using intervals of Ack packets. However, the interval of
Ack packets is infl uenced by traffi c on the return path, thus
making the estimation of the available bandwidth diffi cult and
5) TCP Transparent Proxy: The long delay is one of the
main root causes for the TCP performance degradation over
WANs. TCP transparent proxy involves breaking of long
end-to-end control loops to several smaller feedback control
loops by intercepting and relaying TCP connections within
the network. The decrease in feedback delay accelerates the
reaction of TCP fl ows to packet loss more quickly; hence,
the accelerated TCP fl ows can achieve higher throughput
The snoop protocol [69] employs a proxy, normally a base
station, to cache packets and perform local retransmissions
across the wireless link to improve TCP performance by
monitoring TCP acknowledgement packets. No changes are
made to TCP protocols at the end hosts. Snoop TCP does not
break the end-to-end TCP principle.
Split TCP connections have been used to cope with hetero-
geneous communication media to improve TCP throughput
over wireless WANs (WWAN). Indirect-TCP (I-TCP) [70]
splits the interconnection between mobile hosts and any hosts
located in a wired network into two separate connections, one
over the wireless medium and another over the wired network,
at the network boundary with mobility support routers (MSRs)
as intermediaries to isolate performance issues related to the
wireless environment. Ananth et al. [71] introduced the idea
of implementing a single logical end-to-end connection as
a series of cascaded TCP connections. They analyzed the
characteristics of the throughput of a split TCP connection
analytically and proved the TCP throughput improvement by
splitting the TCP connection. A fl ow aggregation based trans-
parent TCP acceleration proxy was proposed and developed
in [72] for GPRS network. The proxy splits TCP connections
into wired and wireless parts transparently, and also aggregates
the connections destined to the same mobile hosts due to
their statistical dependence to maximize performance of the
wireless link while inter-networking with unmodifi ed TCP
A Control for High-Throughput Adaptive Resilient Trans-
port (CHART) system [118] was designed and developed by
HP and its partners to improve TCP/IP performance and ser-
vice quality guarantees with a careful re-engineering Internet
layer 3 and layer 4 protocols. The CHART system enhances
TCP/IP performance through two principal architectural inno-
vations to the Internet Layer 3 and Layer 4 protocols. One
is the fi ne-grained signaling and sensing within the network
infrastructure to detect link failures and route around them.
The other one is the explicit agreement between end hosts
and the routing infrastructure on transmission rate, which will
permit the end hosts to transmit at the agreed rate independent
(Delay & Loss)
TCP Accelerator
Server Proxy
ONE Services Module
HP ProCurve Switch
Switching Fabric
TCP Accelerator
Client Proxy
Linux Daemon
OpenWRT Router
Linux Networking Stack
Wired or
Wireless Link
Default gateway = OpenWRT router Client Client Proxy
Client Proxy Server Proxy
Server Proxy Server
Other Flows
Client to Server TCP
connection is split into
Linux IPtables
(a) Client proxy built in the OpenWRT software router.
(Delay & Loss)
TCP Accelerator
Server Proxy
ONE Services Module
HP ProCurve Switch
Switching Fabric
ONE Services Module
OpenWRT Router
Switching Fabric
Default gateway = OpenWRT router Client Client Proxy
Client Proxy Server Proxy
Server Proxy Server
Other Flows
Client to Server TCP
connection is split into
Port 3
TCP Accelerator
Client Proxy
Software OF
(MAC rewriting)
Port 2
<flow entries>
<flow entry>
(b) Client proxy integrated in the hardware switch.
Fig. 9. Transparent TCP Acceleration proxy system [73].
of loss and delay. To achieve these two innovations, CHART
couples a network-wide real-time network monitoring service,
a new generation of network elements which monitor and
control fl ows to explicitly assign available bandwidth to new
and existing fl ows, and a new TCP driver, TCP-Trinity, which
implements the explicit-rate protocol on the end hosts to
accelerate data transmission by bypassing the slow-start and
congestion avoidance phases of data transfer. Either manual
modifi cation on the end-hosts or route confi guration changes
are required by the original CHART TCP accelerators.
In order to realize transparent TCP acceleration, a network
integrated transparent TCP accelerator proxy [73] was imple-
mented on HP's ONE (Open Network Ecosystem) services
blade that can be added to the switch chassis, and on a
wireless OpenWRT platform with the CHART explicit-rate-
signaling based TCP accelerator proxy. The network integrated
TCP transparent acceleration is provided with fl ow redirection.
Figure 9 illustrates the network integrated transparent TCP
acceleration proxy system with client proxy built in the
OpenWRT software router and a hardware layer 2 switch,
respectively. As shown in these two fi gures, a single TCP
connection is splitted into three connections by the CHART
TCP acceleration system, namely, client to client proxy con-
nection, client proxy to server proxy connection, and server
proxy to server connection. The client proxy intercepts the
first TCP SYN packet from the client and replies SYN-ACK
to the client and initiates another TCP connection to the
server proxy, which replies SYN-ACK to the client proxy and
issues the fi nal TCP connection to the server by receiving
the TCP SYN packet from the client proxy. The client proxy
and server proxy accelerate TCP connections between them
via modifi cations to the TCP congestion control mechanism
and explicit signaling of available bandwidth information. As
depicted in Figure 9(a), the OpenWRT router is confi gured
to use Linux IP tables to fi lter out the interested client-to-
server TCP packets from the internal forwarding path, and
redirect them to a TCP accelerator client proxy. While for
the hardware switch integrated proxy shown in Figure 9(b),
OpenFlow is used to run transparent TCP accelerator client
proxy on the hardware switch. OpenFlow can classify packets
based on 10 tuples, and thus TCP fl ows that require processing
by the CHART proxy can be precisely selected. Owing to the
limitations of OpenFlow on rewriting the destination MAC
address, the selected packets are redirected to an OpenFlow
software switch to rewrite the packet MAC address, and then
re-inject into the network. The rewritten MAC address is the
TCP accelerator client proxy input port MAC address; thus,
the packets are then forwarded to the accelerator client proxy.
IP Input
IP Output
TCP State
TCP Accelerator
Router with Network Processor
Fig. 10. System architecture of TCP acceleration nodes with network
processors [74, 75].
6) TCP Offl oad Engine: TCP Offl oad Engine (TOE) is a
technology used in network interface cards (NIC) to offl oad
TCP processing to the network controller. Moving complex
TCP processing from end-systems into specifi ed networking
hardware reduces the system load and frees up resources. The
experiment evaluation in [119] provided some insights into
the effectiveness of the TOE stack in scientifi caswellas
commercial domains.
A transparent TCP acceleration technique was proposed
in [74, 75] by using network processors to increase TCP
throughput inside the network without requiring any changes
in end-system TCP implementations, and is thus undetectable
to the end-system. Figure 10 shows the architecture of this
TCP accelerator implemented on a network processor. The
circles labeled by "A" are the acceleration nodes which split
a long end-to-end TCP connection into several small TCP
connections. Two packet forwarding paths are implemented
in the acceleration nodes. Non-TCP packets or packets that
cannot be accelerated due to resource constraint will be
forwarded through "Path A" without any modifi cation. Hence,
packet classifi cation is required to distribute packets to go
through TCP acceleration or not. TCP accelerator involves IP
input process, TCP acceleration, IP output processing, and a
large TCP state memory storage. Network processors equipped
with this transparent TCP accelerator can opportunistically act
as TCP proxies by terminating TCP connections and opening
a new connection towards the destination.
C. CIFS Optimization
CIFS [82], also known as SMB [83], is a protocol developed
by Microsoft for remote fi le access. CIFS defi nes the standard
way that client systems share fi les across the Internet or
other IP based networks. CIFS is a "chatty" protocol and
not designed for high latency WAN environments. As has
been pointed out, CIFS operates very poorly over a WAN
[120]. The fundamental reason is that each CIFS request
requires a response before the next request is sent to the
CIFS server, implying that a large number of back and forth
transactions are required to complete a request, and therefore,
CIFS is redundant by generating multiple requests for a
single fi le and the performance of CIFS decreases with the
increase of WAN latency as shown in Figure 11(a). The small
limitations of the windows client reading size, normally 4KB,
will even worsen the CIFS performance since the smaller the
reading size the more round-trips are required when a client is
accessing a fi le from a server. Furthermore, CIFS was designed
without considering bandwidth limitations, while the available
bandwidth in WANs is normally limited. The redundant CIFS
traffic over a bandwidth limited WAN deteriorates the CIFS
performance further.
Many CIFS accelerators have been developed based on one
or several of the following acceleration techniques:
•Caching: Respond to repeating client request without
accessing CIFS servers.
•Predicting: Recognize well-known CIFS sequences, and
act in advance, e.g., Read Ahead and Write Back, to
reduce CIFS clients experienced latency from the WAN
latency to the LAN latency.
•Read-ahead and Write-back: Read-ahead and Write-back
can be implemented in reading (downloading) or writing
(saving) a fi le from or to a server, respectively, to
minimize the CIFS response time and improve CIFS
performance consequently.
•Accumulating: Accumulate data in bigger messages to
reduce the request messages.
The F5 WANJet CIFS acceleration [121] utilizes Transparent
Data Reduction (TDR) [122], which is a two stage compres-
sion process to maximize bandwidth savings while minimizing
processing latency, to reduce the latency experienced by the
CIFS client from WAN latency to LAN latency as illustrated
in Figure 11(b). In order to download a fi le from a CIFS
server, the CIFS client issues an "open" CIFS request to the
CIFS server, and the CIFS server responds with a fi le ID as the
same sequence as in normal CIFS. Then, the CIFS client issues
the fi rst read request and the CIFS server responds with data.
This fi rst transaction incurs the WAN latency. After the initial
transactions, the WANJet system can determine whether one
CIFS client is attempting a fi le download. Thus, the server side
WANJet system begins pre-fetching data by generating read
requests locally to the server, and the pre-fetched data will be
sent to the client side WANJet. For the subsequent CIFS client
requests, instead of getting data from the server it now gets the
replies locally from the client side WANJet at LAN latency.
Using a combination of directory pre-fetching and caching,
the WANJet system can greatly improve the response time of
directory browsing.
Makani CIFS acceleration [123] implements a CIFS proxy
that predicts future CIFS related transactions. If an appliance
determines that a certain CIFS transaction is likely to occur, it
pre-fetches data and temporarily stores it in the cache, which
will be deleted once the pre-fetched data is referenced. After
the initial transaction, the client side appliance can determine
whether the CIFS client is attempting a fi le download; it starts
CIFS Client Server
File ID
Read( 1)
(a) Chattiness of CIFS
CIFS Client Server
File ID
File ID
File ID
Read (1)
Read (1 )
Read (1)
Resp (1)
Response (1)
Response (1)
Read (2)
Response (2)
Response (2)
Read (2)
Response (2)
CIFS Client Server
File ID
Read Ahead Response
Read Ahead
Read (1 )
Response (1 )
Read (2)
Resp. (2)
Read (3)
(c) Makani CIFS
CIFS Client Server
Write Back
File ID
Write (1)
Write (2)
Write (3 )
Write (n )
(d) Blue Coat CIFS
Fig. 11. CIFS Acceleration Illustration
pre-fetching data aggressively by generating read requests to
the server. The server side appliance compresses the pre-
fetched data and sends it to the client-side appliance. The
pre-fetched data is sent to the client side appliance and stored
temporarily in anticipation of requests from the CIFS client;
hence, CIFS appliances reduce the latency experienced by the
CIFS client from WAN latency to LAN latency. Figure 11(c)
illustrates that the Makani CIFS acceleration can reduce the
latency experienced by the CIFS client from WAN latency to
LAN latency when a client is accessing a fi le from the server.
In the case that a CIFS client is writing a fi le to a CIFS server,
the client side appliance responds locally to the CIFS client's
write requests and passes the data to the server side appliance
at WAN link speed to complete the write operation. Like
WANJet, Makani CIFS accelerators can greatly improve the
response time of directory browsing by using a combination
of directory prefetching and caching.
Visuality System Ltd. developed a fully transparent embed-
ded CIFS proxy solution, CAX (CIFS accelerator) [76], to
improve user experience when accessing remote Windows fi le
servers across the WAN by employing caching, predicting and
accumulating. CAX can be embedded into network hardware
including routers, hardware accelerators, and other products.
Blue Coat CIFS optimization [77] implements read-ahead
and write back technique to reduce the latency associated
with CIFS in reading or writing a fi le from or to a server,
respectively. After having received a client CIFS read request,
the Blue Coat appliance can recognize and anticipate future
reads based on its knowledge of the CIFS protocol. Instead
of making hundreds or thousands of small requests as the
client is required to do, the Blue Coat appliance combines
many smaller read requests into a single more effi cient Read
Ahead bulk request to save round-trips to the server by taking
advantage of the ability of the CIFS protocol to support 60KB
readings to retrieve the data in large chunks. It can further
accelerate fi le retrieval by issuing multiple read requests to
the server in parallel. The latency often occurs when writing
or saving a fi le to a server since the client must wait until
it receives acknowledgement from the server before sending
additional data. Figure 11(d) depicts how the CIFS client
writes a fi le to a server at LAN speed with Blue Coat CIFS
protocol optimization. To minimize the response time when
writing or saving a fi le to a server, the Blue Coat CIFS
optimization implements Write Back. With Write Back, the
client-side Blue Coat appliance acknowledges the client as if
it was the server, allowing the client to write the fi le at LAN
speed. Then, the client-side Blue Coat appliance will pass the
file to the server-side Blue Coat appliance, which is able to
write the fi le to the server as it receives the data from the
client, without requiring acknowledgement from the sever.
D. MAPI Optimization
MAPI [84] was originally designed by Microsoft to develop
messaging applications. MAPI is also a "chatty" protocol and
experiences low effi ciency over a WAN as illustrated in Figure
12. A sender cannot send the next block of MAPI data before
it receives the acknowledgement for the last block of data.
Thus, the delay associated with client requests is bounded
by the WAN latency; therefore, email application users often
experience debilitating response time not only while sending
and receiving e-mails, but also while accessing group message
folders or changing calendar elements.
With MAPI protocol optimization, Makani appliances [78]
retrieve MAPI data before clients request them by acting as
a proxy between the client and server. Makani appliances
implement split-proxy and read-ahead stream optimization to
effectively reduce delays associated with the waiting time for
data retrieval in the MAPI protocol. Makani appliances can
terminate MAPI user requests as if they are severs, initiate
connections to other Makani appliances across the WAN by
implementing split-proxy, and respond to the client MAPI
request as a remote server. Makani's MAPI optimization
implements aggressive read-ahead stream optimization to min-
imize user response time. The client side Makani appliance
monitors the fi rst MAPI ReadStream request, and then reads
the full stream ahead and stores it in the local fi le system.
Thus, the latency is reduced, and consequently performance
is improved.
Blue Coat's MAPI Optimization [79] minimizes the user
response time by encapsulating multiple messages into large
chunks to optimize the number of round-trips over the WAN.
In order to further decrease the response time, Blue Coat's
MAPI optimization employs the Keep-alive feature to stay
connected and continue to retrieve data even after users have
logged off. With Keep-alive, the local and remote appliances
maintain "warm" connections between them to retrieve user
e-mail and to populate the byte cache dictionaries of both
proxies on each side of the WAN. Therefore, the clients can
access the email application at LAN speed since the user
email data has already been cached locally at the client side
E. Session Layer Acceleration
Several studies have presented two main session layer accel-
eration techniques: DNS- and URL- rewriting techniques [80],
and parse and push techniques [81]. The performance of these
session layer optimization techniques has been investigated in
[124]. The main purpose of session layer optimization is to
reduce the number of DNS lookups and the number of TCP
connections at the client web browsers.
1) URL and DNS Rewriting: Webpages usually contain
several embedded objects hosted under different domain
names, and so the web browser has to perform several DNS
queries for these domain names and set up at least one TCP
Client Exchange Server
EcDoConnectEx Request
EcDoConnectEx Response
EcDoRpc Request
EcDoRpc Response
EcDoRpc Request
EcDoRpc Response
Fig. 12. Chattiness of MAPI
connection to the URL server in each domain name for the
embedded objects. The large RTT in WANs increases the delay
incurred by DNS lookups.
The main idea of URL-rewriting proposed in [80] is that the
URLs for embedded objects in one web page are prefi xed with
the IP address of a caching proxy. Thus, no DNS requests are
made by the client browser for the embedded URLs except
the one that resolves the domain name of the server that hosts
the top level page. As an example illustrated in Figure 13(a),
URL rewriting is performed by a URL rewriting proxy closer
to the client. The URL rewriting proxy intercepts the HTTP
request and response for a top level web page transparently,
and rewrites the URLs of the embedded objects by prefi xing
them with the IP address of a caching proxy, which could be
located in the same or different machines. For example, the
embedded URLs in the responding HTML fi le from the origin
server www.foo.com is prefi xed by the URL rewriting proxy
with the IP address of the caching proxy, which is
in this example. Therefore, the following embedded object
retrievals will be directed to the caching proxy server without
any DNS lookups at the client browser and TCP connections to
the origin servers to retrieve the embedded objects. The DNS
requests for the embedded objects are made by the caching
proxy if needed. Thus, the number of both DNS queries and
TCP connections at the client browser are reduced.
Whenever a web browser makes a DNS request for a
domain name, DNS rewriting proxy intercepts the DNS re-
sponse and inserts the IP address of the caching proxy to
the top of the original responded IP address list. Hence, the
browser will attempt to connect to the caching proxy fi rst.
An example of DNS rewriting process to browse the web
page http://www.foo.com/index.html is illustrated in Figure
13(b). In this example, DNS rewriting proxy inserts the IP
address of the caching proxy to the top of the DNS
response. Then, the browser makes a HTTP GET request to
the caching proxy to fetch /index.html. The caching proxy will
make a DNS query to the DSN server directly to resolve the
requested domain name and connects to the origin server to
retrieve /index.html. Since all HTTP requests for top level web
pages are directed to the same caching proxy, only one TCP
connection is required to be set up between the client and the
Caching Proxy
URL Rewriting Proxy
i.cnn.net Images.yahoo.com www.news.com
<img src = http://i.cnn.net/images/plane.jpg>
<img src = http:// www.foo.com/latest.gif>
<img src = http:// images.yahoo.com/news/world.jpg>
<img src = http:// www.news.com/news/rpundup.gif>
<img src = http://>
<img src = http://>
<img src = http://>
<img src = http://>
(a) Example of URL rewriting
Caching Proxy
DNS Server
TTL: 1 day
TTL: 10 sec
DNS Rewriting
Name: www.foo.com
IP: ???
Name: www.foo.com
TTL: 10 sec
GET /index.html
Host: www.foo.com
Name:www. foo.com
Name:www. foo.com
IP:193.123. 25. 10
TTL: 10 sec
(b) Example of DNS rewriting
Fig. 13. Example of URL and DNS rewriting [80].
caching proxy, and it can be reused to retrieve multiple top
level pages and their embedded objects.
2) Parse and Push: The embedded objects are requested
after the browser parses the HTML fi le. So, a round trip
delay is normally incurred before transferring these embedded
objects. The parse and push mechanism [81] enables the proxy
server to pro-actively parse the HTML fi le and start to push
the embedded objects towards the client. Thus, the web page
download time can be reduced.
F. SSL/TLS Acceleration
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security
(TLS) are widely deployed cryptographic protocols for provid-
ing communication security over the Internet. Apostolopoulos
et al. [125] showed that SSL/TLS handshake processing can
be very processor intensive even without the cryptographic
operations, and SSL/TLS can decrease the number of HTTP
transactions handled by web servers up to two orders of
magnitude. The extra latency introduced by SSL/TLS hand-
shake messages, both from the serialized message exchange,
as well as the cryptographic operations required for signing
and encrypting those messages, was examined in [126]. The
experimental results reported in [127] also distinctly show the
inherent latency imposed by the SSL/TLS handshake.
1) Fast Cryptography Algorithms and Implementations:
Several SSL handshake acceleration approaches involve tech-
niques for speeding up encryption/decryption operations. Four
fast RSA variants, namely, batch RSA, multi-prime RSA,
multi-power RSA, and rebalanced RSA, have been examined
to speed up RSA decryption in [128]. Batch RSA and two
multi-factor RSA techniques, multi-prime RSA and multi-
power RSA, are fully backward-compatible. Multiple public
keys and certifi cates are required to be obtained and managed
by the batch RSA algorithm. As compared to other three fast
RSA variants, rebalanced RSA can achieve a large speedup,
but only works with peer applications. By implementing
batch RSA in an SSL web server, the performance of SSL's
handshake protocol can achieve by up to a speedup factor of
2.5 for 1024-bit RSA keys as shown in [129]. There also exist
numerous fast cryptography algorithms [130,131].
Elliptic Curve Cryptgraphy (ECC) can accelerate key com-
putations with smaller key sizes while providing equivalent
security. The performance impacts of ECC on SSL was
studied in [132], which indicates that ECC implemented on an
Apache web server enables 11%-31% more HTTPS requests
per second handling over RSA. Fast ECC implementations
with FPGA and hardware were reported in [133] and [134],
respectively. To reduce complex certifi cate management over-
heads and long handshake latency in TLS, several identity-
based cryptography primitives, such as identity-based encryp-
tion, identity-based signature, identity-based signcryption and
identity-based authenticated key agreement can be adaptively
applied to the TLS handshake protocol as illustrated in [135].
In order to alleviate server load, a cryptographic compu-
tation RSA-based re-balancing scheme between SSL clients
and servers, called client-aided RSA (CA-RSA), was proposed
in [136]. CA-RSA is achieved by adapting server-aided RSA
(SA-RSA) to SSL/TLS settings with re-assigning SSL clients
as "servers" while overloaded servers as "weak clients". The
main idea of CA-RSA is to shift some computational load
from the server to clients. Experimental results demonstrate
that CA-RSA can speed up private-key computation by a
factor of between 11 to 19 over plain RSA, depending on
the RSA key size.
2) Compression to SSL/TLS: Introducing general purpose
compression algorithms into SSL/TLS was reported in [137],
and it was showed that the average text fi les transfer time can
be improved especially for narrow bandwidth communication
lines with compression to SSL/TLS. TLS allows clients and
servers to negotiate selection of a lossless data compression
method as part of the TLS Handshake Protocol. The compres-
sion methods associated with DEFLATE and Lempel-Ziv-Stac
(LZS) lossless data compression algorithms for use with TLS
was described in [138] and[139], respectively.
3) SSL/TLS Offl oad: It has been shown in several works
that purely software-based cryptographic implementations are
very costly, and therefore, a majority of SSL/TLS accelerators
today focus on offl oading the processor-intensive encryption
algorithms involved in SSL/TLS transactions to a hardware ac-
celerator. There are generally two TLS/SSL of fload paradigms,
server-resident and network-resident SSL/TLS hardware accel-
Client Server
Client Hello
Server Hello
GET Response
Client Key,
Cipher, Handshake
Cipher Handshake
(a) Without SSL accelerator
Client SSL Proxy
GET Response
GET Response
Client Hello
Server Hello
Client Key,
Cipher, Handshake
Cipher Handshake
(b) With SSL accelerator proxy
Fig. 14. Examples of SSL handshake in a HTTP transaction.
Server-resident TLS/SSL hardware accelerators are typi-
cally implemented in standard PCI cards, either as stand-
alone devices, or integrated into network interface cards (NIC)
or system chipsets. Numerous vendors offer SSL accelerator
cards with cryptographic offl oad solutions, e.g., Broadcom,
CAI Networks, Cavium Networks, Silicom, THALES, and
IBM. Broadcom BCM5821 can achieve up to 4000 SSL/TLS
transactions per second. Jang et al. [140] proposed an SSL-
accelerator with Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) working
as a proxy for web servers to offl oad the server-side cryp-
tographic operations from CPUs. In order to achieve low
latency and high throughput simultaneously, an opportunis-
tic offl oading algorithm was developed to balance the load
between CPU and GPU in SSL processing depending on the
load. The cryptographic operations will be handled by CPU
for low latency when the load is light. As the number of pend-
ing cryptographic operations increases, cryptographic requests
will pile up in the queue and cryptographic operations will be
offl oaded to GPUs to improve throughput with GPU's parallel
executions. Preliminary results show that GPUs accelerate
cryptographic operations with small latency overhead while
signifi cantly boosting the throughput at the same time. Berson
et al. [141] demonstrated that public key cryptography can be
provided as a network service over untrusted networks with
a cryptoserver equipped with multiple cryptography accelera-
tors, and thus the utilization of cryptographic accelerators can
be improved by sharing them among many clients.
Network-resident SSL hardware accelerators normally com-
prise a multitude of switches, routers, load balancers, and
custom network appliances. Many load balancer vendors,
such as A10 Networks, Array Networks, Cisco Systems,
F5 Networks, Citrix Netscaler, and Juniper Networks, offer
solutions with SSL/TLS offl oad accelerators. Figure 14(a)
shows the message fl ow for a typical HTTPS transaction with
SSL/TLS handshake. From this fi gure, it is obvious that extra
SSL/TLS handshake messages introduce latency, both from
the serialized message exchange, as well as the cryptographic
operations required for signing and encrypting those mes-
sages. Figure 14(b) illustrates the SSL/TLS acceleration with
a network proxy within a HTTP transaction. The network
resident SSL acceleration proxy terminates end-to-end TCP
connection, SSL connection, and HTTP connection, and sets
up two separate TCP connections and HTTP connections to
clients and servers, respectively.
Ma and Bartoˇ s [127] examined three SSL/TLS acceleration
implementation schemes, namely, software-based functional-
ity, server-resident hardware SSL accelerators, and central-
ized network-resident hardware SSL accelerators. They also
discussed the trade-offs between the two different SSL/TLS
offl oad techniques, SSL card accelerators and network proxies,
and investigated their relationship with respect to the current
performance of web services.
Many companies provide WAN accelerators. The typical
WAN acceleration products and the major WAN optimization
techniques associated with them are listed in Table II.
Company Typical Products Major WAN Acceleration Techniques
ApplianSys CacheBox Bandwidth optimization, pre-caching
Aryaka Networks Cloud-based application acceleration and WAN optimization Compression, deduplication, protocol optimization (TCP,
CIFS, MAPI, FTP), and guaranteed QoS
Blue Coat ProxySG appliance, ProxyClient, Director, PacketShaper Bandwidth management, protocol optimization, byte
caching, object caching, compression
Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) appliance, virtual
WAAS, WAAS mobile, WAAS Express
Compression, deduplication, protocol optimization (HTTP,
TCP, CIFS, MAPI), SSL optimization, NFS acceleration
Citrix NetScaler, Branch Repeater Layer 4 Load balancing, Layer 7 content switching, TCP
optimization, HTTP compression, web optimization, SSL
acceleration, and traffi c management
Cyberoam Unifi ed Threat Management (UTM) platform Bandwidth management, load balancing
Expand Networks Appliance accelerator (Datacenter, regional offi ce,
small/satellite offi ce), virtual accelerator (datacenter, branch
offi ce), mobile accelerator, Expandview management platform
TCP Acceleration, byte level caching, dynamic compres-
sion, Layer 7 QoS, application and protocol acceleration,
wide area fi le services.
Ipanema Technologies WAN Governance Flow optimization, TCP optimization, Layer 7 CIFS opti-
mization, QoS
Juniper Networks WXC series application acceleration platform Compression, caching, TCP acceleration, SSL optimization,
application and protocol specifi c acceleration
Riverbed Technology Steelhead appliance, Steel mobile software, virtual Steelhead
appliance, WhiteWater appliance
Data deduplication, protocol optimization, and application
layer protocol latency optimizations
Silver Peak Systems NX appliance, VX appliance, VRX appliance Deduplication, loss mitigation, QoS, and latency mitigation.
Exinda UPM, ExOS 6.0 TCP optimization, application acceleration, universal
caching, compression, intelligent acceleration, peer auto-
UDcast WANcompress, UDgateway Caching and data compression
XipLink XA appliance, XipOS Data compression, TCP acceleration, HTTP acceleration,
dynamic web cache
A. ApplianSys
By caching frequently visited web pages locally, Appli-
anSys CACHEBOX web caching appliance dramatically im-
proves performance without the need to upgrade bandwidth,
and offers solutions for a wide range of web caching require-
ments, such as reducing bandwidth costs and accelerating web
access. CACHEBOX optimizes internet bandwidth usage by
serving content stored in the LAN and accelerating perfor-
mance on cached content.
B. Aryaka Networks
Aryaka offers a cloud-based solution for application accel-
eration and WAN optimization, which improves application
performance as software-as-a-service (saas). The major em-
ployed acceleration techniques include compression, dedupli-
cation, application protocol optimization, TCP optimization,
CIFS optimization, MAPI optimization, FTP optimization, and
guaranteed QoS.
C. Blue Coat
The Blue Coat ProxySG appliances can be deployed at
the core and edges of an enterprise's application delivery
infrastructure to improve user productivity and reduce band-
width expense. The main acceleration techniques employed by
ProxySG include compression, bandwidth management, pro-
tocol optimization, and caching. ProxyClient enables remote
acceleration to provide a LAN-like experience to remote users
connecting over VPNs or WANs. Blue Coat Director delivers
comprehensive, centralized WAN optimization management
for a large network of ProxySG appliances. PacketShaper,
together with the ProxySG appliances, can monitor and ac-
celerate application performance for real-time protocols.
D. Cisco
Cisco WAAS software optimizes the performance of any
TCP-based application across a WAN by a combination of
WAN optimization, acceleration of TCP-based applications,
and Cisco's Wide Area File Services (WAFS). WAAS im-
plements comprehensive application optimization, application-
specifi c protocol acceleration, bandwidth reduction through
compression and deduplication, and TCP fl ow optimization.
WAAS software can be delivered with WAAS appliances,
Cisco services ready engine modules on Cisco integrated
services routers, and some dedicated blades. Cisco virtual
WAAS (vWAAS) is a virtual appliance that accelerates ap-
plications delivered from private and virtual private cloud
infrastructures over WANs, through policy-based on-demand
orchestration. Cisco WAAS mobile extends application accel-
eration benefi ts to mobile workers. WAAS mobile optimizes
cellular, satellite, WiFi, WiMax, and DSL networks to reduce
timing variations, high latency, and noisy connections, and
increases link resiliency. The application protocol optimizers
employed by WAAS mobile reduce application round trips for
file transfers, Outlook, enterprise web applications, and web
browsing. Cisco WAAS Express leverages a combination of
data redundancy elimination, data compression, and TCP fl ow
optimization to maximize bandwidth optimization gains.
E. Citrix
Citrix NetScaler, a web application delivery appliance,
optimizes application performance through advanced layer 4
load balancing, layer 7 content switching, TCP optimization,
HTTP compression, web optimization, SSL acceleration, and
traffi c management. Citrix Branch Repeater, available as both
a physical and a virtual appliance, optimizes the delivery of
applications to branch and mobile users. Branch Repeater
appliances are auto-discovered, auto-confi gured, and auto-
tuned. Branch Repeater incorporates two Citrix HDX tech-
nologies, HDX IntelliCache, and HDX Broadcast, to optimize
both hosted and streamed applications delivered to branches.
HDX IntelliCache optimizes performance for multiple users
accessing virtual desktops and applications from branch offi ces
by locally caching and de-duplicating bandwidth intensive
data, and by locally staging streamed application packages.
HDX Broadcast provides a set of technologies that adaptively
tune to real-time conditions to optimize network traffi c.
F. Cyberoam
Cyberoam Unifi ed Threat Management (UTM) appliances
support 3G and WiMAX WAN connectivity which offers
assured security over wireless WAN links. Cyberoam Band-
width Management offers identity-based bandwidth control,
preventing congestion and bandwidth abuse, and optimizing
bandwidth and multiple link management that provides WAN
redundancy and delivers assured WAN availability and reliable
G. Expand Networks
WAN acceleration products provided by Expand Networks
include appliance accelerator, virtual accelerator, and mobile
client accelerator along with ExpandView management plat-
form. They improve WAN performance by providing virtual
bandwidth. Expand appliance accelerators are available in
many sizes ranging from data center appliances, large to
medium regional offi ces, branch offi ces, to satellite offi ces. By
leveraging the existing virtual IT infrastructure in the datacen-
ter and branch offi ces, WAN optimization can be deployed as
a virtual appliance for datacenters and branch offi ces. Mobile
accelerator transforms the economics of WAN optimization
forsmallerbranchof fices and mobile workers within medium
to large sized businesses. ExpandView, a central manage-
ment, reporting and alerting system, provides application
fluent network statistics, optimization performance, bandwidth
utilization and confi guration management for appliance, and
virtual and mobile accelerators. One comprehensive, multi-
service platform with extensive management capabilities is
developed by ExpandView to incorporate many WAN opti-
mization techniques, including TCP acceleration, byte level
caching, dynamic compression, layer 7 QoS, application and
protocol acceleration, and wide area fi le services.
H. Ipanema Technologies
Ipanema WAN Governance extends application perfor-
mance management and permits a continuous service level
management through clear key performance indicators by
implementing a combination of application visibility, QoS
and control, WAN optimization, and dynamic WAN selection.
Ipanema's WAN optimization utilizes both RAM and disk
redundancy elimination to optimize all TCP and UDP applica-
tions fl ows. It also employs CIFS optimization to improve Mi-
crosoft fi le sharing effi ciency over WAN. All Ipanema WAN
optimization mechanisms are under the control of Ipanema's
unique QoS and control innovation, and are automatically
tuned by Ipanema's autonomic networking architecture.
I. Juniper Networks
The Juniper WXC series application acceleration platform
provides a scalable way to speed up the delivery of client-
server and web-based business applications and services over
the WAN by recognizing and eliminating redundant trans-
missions, accelerating TCP and application-specifi c protocols,
as well as prioritizing and allocating access bandwidth. The
major acceleration techniques employed by the WXC se-
ries application acceleration platform include compression,
caching, TCP acceleration, SSL optimization, and application
J. Riverbed Technology
Riverbed Steelhead appliances accelerate a broad range of
applications, including fi le sharing, exchange (MAPI), Lotus
Notes, web, database, and disaster recovery applications. The
Steelhead appliance employs data reduction, TCP acceler-
ation, and application layer protocol latency optimizations
to enhance application performance. Steelhead Mobile client
software enables application acceleration to mobile users. With
Riverbed Virtual Steelhead appliances, WAN optimization can
be extended to deployments where physical hardware may not
be conveniently suited. The WhiteWater appliance is designed
for optimization towards cloud storage providers.
K. Silver Peak Systems
Typical Silver Peak WAN acceleration appliances include
NX appliance, VX appliance, and VRX appliance. The VX
appliances are the software versions of the NX appliances. The
VRX appliances are the fi rst and the only virtual WAN opti-
mization devices designed for data center deployment. All of
these appliances leverage a unique blend of WAN acceleration
techniques, including compression, data deduplication, loss
mitigation, QoS provisioning, and latency mitigation. Silver
Peak WAN acceleration appliances employ network accel-
eration, especially on TCP and other protocol acceleration
techniques, to minimize the effects of latency on application
performance and signifi cantly improve application response
time across the WAN. These appliances also utilize a variety
of Quality of Service (QoS) and traffi c shaping techniques
to optimize traffi c handling, including advanced queuing,
scheduling, and standards-based packet-marking. One impor-
tant feature of these appliances is that network memory is
used for data deduplication. Network memory operates at the
network layer and supports all IP-based protocols.
L. Exinda
Exinda Unifi ed Performance Management (UPM) is a net-
work appliance that integrates real-time network monitoring,
reporting, traffi c control, and application acceleration to effec-
tively manage a WAN. The optimization techniques leveraged
by UPM include TCP optimization, application acceleration,
universal caching, compression, intelligent acceleration, and
peer auto-discovery. Newly released ExOS 6.0 offers some
new features, such as TCP effi ciency monitoring and reporting,
TCP health monitoring, service level agreement monitoring,
and SSL/HTTPs acceleration.
M. UDCast
UDCast WANcompress offers bandwidth optimization to
dramatically improve IP communications over satellite, wire-
less, wired and WiMAX networks across WAN, and reduces
the high operating expenditure associated with satellite com-
munications. Based on a combination of compression and
caching techniques to eliminate redundant data, WANcom-
press can save on average 50% of the bandwidth on a given
communications link. In order to perform real-time com-
pression, WANcompress performs data matching at the byte
level. The UDgateway service platform with WANcompress
improves satellite communication performance.
N. XipLink
The XipLink XA series appliances work together with
XA optimization software (XipOS) to deliver satellite and
wireless optimization. XipOS maximizes bandwidth across
wireless communication links by using extensions of the Space
Communication Protocol Specifi cation (SCPS). It offers 2-10
times bandwidth gain through streaming compression. It also
utilizes TCP acceleration and Internet optimization through
HTTP acceleration and dynamic web caching.
In this paper, we have provided a detailed discussion on
performance enhancement techniques over a WAN, especially
with the focus on WAN optimization, also known as WAN
acceleration. We fi rst reviewed the obstacles to content de-
livery over a WAN. To overcome these challenges in the
WANs, many WAN acceleration techniques have been pro-
posed and developed. We have summarized most commonly
used WAN optimization techniques, in particular, compres-
sion, data deduplication, caching, prefetching, and protocol
optimization. Finally, we have presented commonly available
WAN acceleration products and the major WAN optimization
techniques associated with these acceleration products. We
hope that this paper will serve as a valuable vehicle for further
research on WAN optimization.
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Yan Zhang (S'10) received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in electrical engi-
neering from Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China, in 2001 and
2004, respectively. She is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical
engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Newark.
Her research interests include automatic modulation classifi cation algorithms,
distributed detection in sensor network, congestion control in data center
networks, content delivery acceleration over wide area networks, and energy-
effi cient networking.
Nirwan Ansari (S'78-M'83-SM'94-F'09) received the B.S.E.E. (summa cum
laude with a perfect GPA) from the New Jersey Institute of Technology
(NJIT), Newark, in 1982, the M.S.E.E. degree from University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, in 1983, and the Ph.D degree from Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN, in 1988.
He joined NJIT's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
as Assistant Professor in 1988, became a tenured Associate Professor in
1993, and has been a Full Professor since 1997. He has also assumed
various administrative positions at NJIT. He was Visiting (Chair) Professor at
several universities. He authored Computational Intelligence for Optimization
(Springer, 1997, translated into Chinese in 2000) with E. S. H. Hou, and
edited Neural Networks in Telecommunications (Springer, 1994) with B.
Yuhas. He has also contributed over 350 technical papers, over one third
of which were published in widely cited refereed journals/magazines. He has
also guest-edited a number of special issues, covering various emerging topics
in communications and networking. His current research focuses on various
aspects of broadband networks and multimedia communications.
Prof. Ansari has served on the Editorial Board and Advisory Board of eight
journals, including as a Senior Technical Editor of the IEEE Communications
Magazine (2006-2009). He has served the IEEE in various capacities such as
Chair of the IEEE North Jersey Communications Society (COMSOC) Chapter,
Chair of the IEEE North Jersey Section, Member of the IEEE Region 1 Board
of Governors, Chair of the IEEE COMSOC Networking Technical Committee
Cluster, Chair of the IEEE COMSOC Technical Committee on Ad Hoc and
Sensor Networks, and Chair/Technical Program Committee Chair of several
conferences/symposia. Some of his recent recognitions include a 2007 IEEE
Leadership Award from the Central Jersey/Princeton Section, NJIT Excellence
in Teaching Award in Outstanding Professional Development in 2008, a 2008
IEEE MGA Leadership Award, the 2009 NCE Excellence in Teaching Award,
a couple of best paper awards (IC-NIDC 2009 and IEEE GLOBECOM 2010),
a 2010 Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award, and designation as an IEEE
Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer (2006-2009, two terms).
Mingquan Wu received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Michigan
State University in 2005. From November 2005 to August 2010, he was a
member of technical staff in Thomson Corporate Research. He joined Huawei
as a senior researcher in September 2010. His research interests include
multimedia reliable transmission over wireless networks, network modeling
and resource optimization, ad hoc and overlay network transport protocol
design, content delivery acceleration, etc. He has published over 20 referred
papers and has more than a dozen pending patents. He has multiple proposals
accepted by IEEE 802.11s, IEEE802.11aa and IEEE802.16j standards.
Heather Yu got her Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1998. Currently, she is
the Director of the Huawei Media Networking Lab located at Bridgewater, NJ.
As the leader of the Media Networking Lab and the chief multimedia technol-
ogy research expert of the Core Network Product Line, she is responsible for
the strategic planning and key technology R&D of media technologies within
the Core Network Product Line. With the mission of establishing a world
class R&D team and leading the key multimedia technology innovations,
she led the NJ team successfully accomplished the development of several
new media technology R&D areas and new technology innovations with
a series of technologies adopted by products. Before joining Huawei, she
was with Panasonic Princeton Lab working on media communication, media
processing, media security, and P2P technology research. Since graduated
from Princeton, Heather served numerous positions in related associations,
such as Chair of the IEEE Multimedia Communications Tech Commit-
tee, IEEE Communications Society Strategic Planning Committee member,
IEEE Human Centric Communications emerging technology committee chair,
Associate Editor in Chief for Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications
(PPNA) journal, Associate Editors of several IEEE journals/magazines, and
Conference chair and Technical Program Committee (TPC) chair for many
conferences in the fi eld. She holds 23 granted US patents and has many in
pending. She published 70+ publications, including 4 books, P2P Networking
and Applications, Semantic Computing, P2P Handbooks, and Multimedia
Security Technologies for Digital Rights Management.
... One such optimization is WAN Optimization which helps in overcoming the limitations of TCP performance in ad-hoc Networks. WAN optimization solutions increase the overall efficiency of TCP with ad-hoc networks and it controls and manages the data traffic in such a way that all the data is delivered to the users quite swiftly [5]. It also ensures that the delivery of data to the users is secure and safe. ...
... The availability of scarce power in Ad-hoc networks is a very big challenge for TCP. Moreover, in Ad-hoc networks, the major problems associated with power are power saving and power control [5]. Power saving refers to use minimum power in the overall operations, whereas, power control means to ensure that all the nodes in the network are being provided with adequate amount of power [4,8]. ...
... In today's digital world, the need of WAN optimization is growing quite rapidly due to its large applications in various domains of technology. One of the greatest significance of WAN optimization is that it can increase the overall efficiency of TCP in Ad-hoc networks and remove various limitations that TCP has to deal with in an Ad-hoc networking environment [2,5]. WAN optimization can enhance the performance of TCP is a number of ways such as fulfilling the requirements of bandwidths, optimizing the latency, dealing appropriately with bottlenecks, etc. Various studies have been conducted and are still in progress on the subject of WAN optimization and its significance [2]. ...
Ad-hoc network is a temporary network that is designed for a special purpose and is developed as soon as the various devices are connected to each other. This type of network degrades the performance of TCP or transmission control protocol which is the core element of internet protocol. The performance of TCP can be enhanced by using various optimization techniques. This paper focuses on the feasibility, advantages and disadvantages of making use of contemporary WAN optimization technologies to overcome the challenges of degrading the performance of TCP in Ad-Hoc Networks. Moreover, the paper will also highlight the significance of the use of Ad-hoc networks by end users in accessing various cloud based services.
... In these conditions, the conventional metric-based routing protocols can schedule traffic flows well. Since the 21st century, the scale and traffic load of the Internet have been growing exponentially [35]. As a consequence, the metric-based routing protocols become inadequate to handle the dynamic network environment due to their slow convergence of calculating optimal routing policies. ...
After decades of unprecedented development, modern networks have evolved far beyond expectations in terms of scale and complexity. In many cases, traditional traffic engineering (TE) approaches fail to address the quality of service (QoS) requirements of modern networks. In recent years, deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has proved to be a feasible and effective solution for autonomously controlling and managing complex systems. Massive growth in the use of DRL applications in various domains is beginning to benefit the communications industry. In this paper, we firstly provide a comprehensive overview of DRL-based TE. Then, we present a detailed literature review on applications of DRL for TE including three fundamental issues: routing optimization, congestion control, and resource management. Finally, we discuss our insights into the challenges and future research perspectives of DRL-based TE.
... Even if the content cache is deployed economically, performance will degrade if the latency between the content cache and user terminals is long. In order to prevent such a case, this paper also proposes a cost-effective placement algorithm for the NFV-based WAN accelerator function [18]- [22]. ...
... The TCP-based protocols are especially hard to perform well on such long-distance networks like geostationary satellite communication networks. To overcome this issue, wide area network (WAN) optimization or acceleration techniques are introduced [2]- [4]. Using the WAN optimization, the data transfer speed is improved and the maximum throughput is as high as 3 Mbps on the INTELSAT satellite network. ...
Achieving the quality of service (QoS) is an important requirement in a communication network. Satellite communication is posing many challenges due to the limitation of transmission control protocol (TCP) over networks with high latency. To overcome these issues, the wide area network (WAN) optimization provides the data transfer on such long-distance networks. However, this optimization is not able to utilize the available bandwidth of provided network efficiently since it performs fixed bandwidth allocation. This paper proposes a technique to enhance the available bandwidth utilization for International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO, or INTELSAT) network. This technique adopts a high-speed data transfer protocol, named high-performance and flexible protocol (HpFP), to transfer data between the satellite and the ground station. The HpFP is a connection-oriented protocol to work on the top of user datagram protocol (UDP) and provides us with a stream-type of reliable data transfer even under high packet loss rate. One of the ingenious attempts in the HpFP is to set an internal target throughput for pace control of sending packets. Since this parameter setting is time-dependent, the target throughput is calculated based on network conditions monitored by the HpFP. The HpFP detects the unused bandwidth in the satellite bandwidth resources at every moment, then dynamically allocates HpFP data transfers. The results of laboratory experiments show how effectively the HpFP utilizes the available network bandwidth in the condition of the WAN optimization control on INTELSAT satellite network.
Geo-distributed virtual network function (VNF) chaining has been useful such as in network slicing in 5G networks and for network traffic processing in the WAN. Agile scaling of the VNF chains according to real-time traffic rates is the key in network function virtualization. Designing efficient scaling algorithms is challenging especially for geo-distributed chains, where bandwidth costs and latencies incurred by the WAN traffic are important but difficult to handle in making scaling decisions. Existing studies have largely resorted to optimization algorithms in scaling design. Aiming at better decisions empowered by in-depth learning from experiences, this paper proposes a deep learning-based framework for scaling of geo-distributed VNF chains, exploring inherent pattern of traffic variation and good deployment strategies over time. We novelly combine a recurrent neural network as the traffic model for predicting upcoming flow rates, and a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) agent for making chain placement decisions. We adopt experience replay technique based on the actor-critic DRL algorithm to optimize the learning results. Trace-driven simulation shows that with limited offline training, our learning framework adapts quickly to traffic dynamics online and achieves lower system costs as compared to existing representative algorithms.
- Jack Brassil
- Rick McGeer
- N. Watts
TCP/IP is known to have poor performance under conditions of moderate to high packet loss (5%-20%) and end-to-end latency (20-200 ms). The CHART system, under development by HP and its partners under contract to the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is a careful re-engineering of Internet Layer 3 and Layer 4 protocols to improve TCP/IP performance in these cases. The CHART system has just completed the second phase of a three-phase, 42-month development cycle. The goal for the 42-month program was a 10x improvement in the performance of TCP/IP under conditions of loss and delay. In independent tests for DARPA at Science Applications In-ternational Corporation, the CHART System demonstrated a 20x performance improvement over TCP/IP, exceeding the goals for the program by a factor of two. Fairness to legacy TCP and UDP ows was further demonstrated in DARPA testing. We describe the CHART System as a set of five interacting services and protocol improvements which act together to make TCP/IP robust under conditions of loss and latency, and we describe and detail the test regime and performance results.
- V. N. Padmanabhan
- J. C. Mogul
The long-term success of the World Wide Web depends on fast response time. People use the Web to access information from remote sites, but do not like to wait long for their results. The latency of retrieving a Web document depends on several factors such as the network bandwidth, propagation time and the speed of the server and client computers. Although several proposals have been made for reducing this latency, it is difficult to push it to the point where it becomes insignificant. This motivates our work, where we investigate a scheme for reducing the latency perceived by users by predicting and prefetching files that are likely to be requested soon, while the user is browsing through the currently displayed page. In our scheme the server, which gets to see requests from several clients, makes predictions while individual clients initiate prefetching. We evaluate our scheme based on trace-driven simulations of prefetching over both high-bandwidth and low-bandwidth links. Our results indicate that prefetching is quite beneficial in both cases, resulting in a significant reduction in the average access time at the cost of an increase in network traffic by a similar fraction. We expect prefetching to be particularly profitable over non-shared (dialup) links and high-bandwidth, high-latency (satellite) links.
- Archit Gupta
- Aditya Akella
- Scott Shenker
Many past systems have explored how to eliminate redundant transfers from network links and improve network efficiency. Several of these systems operate at the application layer, while the more recent systems operate on individual packets. A common aspect of these systems is that they apply to localized settings, e.g. at stub network access links. In this paper, we explore the benefits of deploying packet-level redundant content elimination as a universal primitive on all Internet routers. Such a universal deployment would immediately reduce link loads everywhere. However, we argue that far more significant network-wide benefits can be derived by redesigning network routing protocols to leverage the universal deployment. We develop "redundancy-aware" intra- and inter-domain routing algorithms and show that they enable better traffic engineering, reduce link usage costs, and enhance ISPs' responsiveness to traffic variations. In particular, employing redundancy elimination approaches across redundancy-aware routes can lower intra and inter-domain link loads by 10-50%. We also address key challenges that may hinder implementation of redundancy elimination on fast routers. Our current software router implementation can run at OC48 speeds.
- Tom Kelly
TCP congestion control can perform badly in highspeed wide area networks because of its slow response with large congestion windows. The challenge for any alternative protocol is to better utilize networks with high bandwidth-delay products in a simple and robust manner without interacting badly with existing traffic. Scalable TCP is a simple sender-side alteration to the TCP congestion window update algorithm. It offers a robust mechanism to improve performance in highspeed wide area networks using traditional TCP receivers. Scalable TCP is designed to be incrementally deployable and behaves identically to traditional TCP stacks when small windows are sufficient. The performance of the scheme is evaluated through experimental results gathered using a Scalable TCP implementation for the Linux operating system and a gigabit transatlantic network. The preliminary results gathered suggest that the deployment of Scalable TCP would have negligible impact on existing network traffic at the same time as improving bulk transfer performance in highspeed wide area networks.
- Ananth I. Sundararaj
- Dan Duchamp
We introduce the idea of implementing a single logical end-to-end connection as a series of cascaded trans- port connections and argue that there are several potential advantages to doing so. One possible advantage investigated in this paper is improved throughput via pipeline paral- lelism. We develop an equation for the throughput of such a split connection as a function of packet loss rate, average round trip time, and the receiver's advertised window. Our work builds upon the model developed by Padhye et al. (1). We extend that work by fixing a small error and modeling two TCP connections in series, making the important ex- tension of including slow start in the analysis. We validated our analysis by comparing results against ns-2 simulations. We studied throughput over wide ranges of packet loss and round trip time. We found that, for loss probabilities of up to 0.005, a split TCP connection has up to one and a half times greater throughput than a single TCP connection.
- Vyas Sekar
- Aditya Akella
Motivation: Today, an increasing number of end-networks are deploying redundancy elimination (RE) solutions to im- prove their WAN performance. The success of such deploy- mentshasmotivatedresearchers,equipmentvendors(e.g.,Cisco, Riverbed) and ISPs to explore the potential of network-wide RE. Recent work (1) has shown the benefits of supporting RE as a primitive IP-layer service on network routers. In similar vein, network equipment vendors have highlighted the network-wide support for content caching as a key focus area. Supporting RE at the network-level socializes the ben- efits of RE to all end-to-end flows and also allows ISPs to better handle bandwidth-intensive workloads. While the problemof RE has been well studied in the con- text of point deployments(e.g. over a single WAN link of an enterprise network), there has been relatively little work on how to best design network-wide RE deployments. Extend- ing such single vantage point solutions to the network-wide case, as proposed by Anand et. al (1), does not take into ac- count the resource constraints on RE devices. This severely constrainsthe benefits that end applicationsand ISPs can de- rive from network-wide RE. In this work, we explore how to build effective and prac- tical network-wide RE systems. We present Decor, a coor- dinated system-wide architecture for in-network RE. Decor allows packets to be decoded at routers multiple hops away from the routerwhere packet was encoded. This allows us to utilize resources from different routers for decoding. Decor takes into account the ISP's objectives (e.g., network-wide footprint reduction) and the resource constraints of differ- ent RE devices, to optimally allocate caching and decoding responsiblities. While our current focus has primarily been on RE in ISPs, our design can be more broadly applied to data-center and multi-hop wireless networks. Design and Implementation: We focus our design on three key elements: ingress, interior nodes and a central configu- ration model (Figure 1). Ingress nodes encode packets with respect to earlier seen packets in the cache. Interior routers lookup their cache to decode the encoded packet. We lever- age ideas from cSamp (2) to split the caching responsibili- ties for interior routers in terms of hash-range per path per router. Each interior router is responsible for caching those packets whose header's hash falls in the assigned range for the path. This information is specified by a caching manifest produced by the central configuration module. The central Figure 1: Schematic depiction of the Decor system.
- Roger J. Clarke
At the present time, we stand upon the threshold of a revolution in the means available to us for the widespread dissemi- nation of information in visual form through the rapidly increasing use of international standards for image and video compression. Yet, such standards, as observed by the casual user, are only the tip of the coding iceberg. Something like half a century of scientific and tech- nological development has contributed to a vast body of knowledge concerning techniques for coding still and moving pictures, and the present article presents a survey of developments which have taken place since the first (predictive) coding algorithms were implemented in the 1950s. Initially, we briefly review the characteristics of the human eye which influence how we approach the design of coding algorithms; then we examine the still picture techniques of major interest—predictive and transform coding, vector quantization, and subband and wavelet multiresolution approaches. Recognizing that other forms of algorithm have also been of interest during this period, we next consider such techniques as quadtree decomposition and segmentation before looking at the problems arising from the pres- ence of motion and its compensation in the coding of video signals. In the next section, various approaches to the coding of image sequences are reviewed, and we concentrate upon the now univer- sally used hybrid motion compensated transform algorithm before examining more advanced techniques such as model and object- based coding. Of course, the key to widespread acceptance of any technological development is the establishment of standards, and all major proposals—JPEG, MPEG-I, -II, and -IV, H.261, and H.263, are considered with emphasis on the way in which the coding algorithm is implemented rather than on protocol and syntax considerations. Finally, comments are offered in respect of the future viability of coding standards, of less well-researched algorithms, and the overall position of image and video compression techniques in the rapidly developing field of visual information provision. © 1999 John Wiley &
Wide Area Network Design Concepts And Tools For Optimization Pdf
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260671041_On_Wide_Area_Network_Optimization
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